5/30/2014 10:16:57 AM
As far as the pay pick'em how about to enter make it more of wagering instead of a flat entry fee? That way if at least two participate it can happen. It would also make use of the extra credits sitting in guys accounts. Now that there is a flat game fee, credits 0 to 499 can only be used for forces. So if one guy wagers 73 credits and another guy wagers 400 then it can still go through with the most being able to be won and lost with only these two being 73 credits.
Now with the more people may be harder to code but let’s throw it out there. X wagers 73, Y wagers 100, and Z wagers 400
If X wins both Y and Z lose 73 credits : X wins 146
If Y wins, X loses 73 credits, Z loses 100 : Y wins 173
If Z wins, X loses 73, Y loses 100 : Z wins 173
This way people can jump in and wager even if not confident in their picks and use some of those extra credits.