Here is latest on how pick'em is going. The results got held up for a week and finally came through today.
I received nine emails saying I won 47, 45, 47, 45, 43, 43, 41, 39, 41 (as you can see there are duplicates). So I received 900 credits and should have received 500
I also entered the pay pick'em 38 at a cost of 100 which it deducted upon entering. Under My Competition Entries I can see 38 was canceled but I do not think the 100 credits was returned.
In total I ended up with 900 credits. I should have ended up with 500 won from free pick'ems and 100 from refund of pay pick'em that was canceled for total of 600. An email of the refunded 100 would be nice just to make it easier to track because they disappear from the schedule when canceled.
So I came out ahead so not complaining. I am just reporting some things that are not working as I believe they are intended to.