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Forced Fights

Posted 2024/06/22 8:50 AM by Rico Boxing Gym

I’m curious what the purpose of forced fighting is. I’ve only done it one time, but before I did, I sparred with the fighter. I sparred until I came up with a fight plan that would beat this fighter. I then forced the fight and got my first win. Truthfully, it felt like I was cheating. I mean, isn’t this a way that you can pad your record? You can actually see their fight plan. Doesn’t this make it too easy to get wins? It does in my opinion. I like the sparring option because it’s basically preparation for fights. And this is where you hone in on a strategy for an upcoming fight. But I’m not sure that being able to spar against the fighter you can potentially challenge/force is necessarily realistic. I think sparring should be limited to the time after a scheduled fight. Meaning if you are not scheduled to fight anyone, then you can’t spar anyone. However, after you are scheduled to fight someone, you should then be able to spar with any fighter -except the fighter you are scheduled to fight. This makes you have to find a similarly skilled fighter ( in terms of ability points and style) to spar with in preparation for the upcoming opponent. Just like the real life boxing world. This is not a complaint.This is just my opinion, and I’m curious what others think

Posted 2024/06/22 9:40 AM by ZWIP

You can only see the fightplan of a bot until he gets to rating 3 then you are on your own. At that point you have to check their previous fights and try and guess their plan. Seeing their plans until rating 3 was made for newbies to get their feet wet and possibly find a decent plan that they might want to keep. You force bots to move your fighter up to contention for Regional titles and eventually World titles. Some guys dont force bots at all and just go one fight at a time. Other use the bot system to move their guy up a bit. It is great practice.

Posted 2024/06/22 10:02 AM by Rico Boxing Gym

So that makes sense. And I guess sparring against the fighter you’re scheduled to fight can be viewed as no different than finding a fighter to spar with that has similar attributes/style. Especially if at some point you can’t see their game plan. Will the BOT’S attributes also be hidden at that point?

Posted 2024/06/22 3:15 PM by J.Aaron Hall

After rating 3 both fight plans and indications of an opponent's FP are hidden. It is kind of expected after that point you have seen what the competition looks like and how to build a fight plan. If you look in the Help section, some years ago I wrote a few guides on how to build different fighters and write some simple fight plans. Take a look and myself, ZWIP, or any other lurkers will try and help you out with questions.

There are a few Bot gyms the ones listed (Bot Gym 1) or whatever are just full of old fighters and are dormant gyms left around for the sake of competition. The actual BOT-123456 bots from the BOT gym are randomly cloned from fighters from actual gyms. In the upper levels these can be very well built fighters. At the time of cloning, the fight plan is also copied over. This can lead to some BOT fights which are every bit as competitive as a fight against a flesh and blood manager. I've lost my fair share over the years.

All this being said, however, once you kind of get used to scouting, you are building a particular kind of fighter (slapper, dancer, balanced, slugger) it is pretty easy to pick bot fights that you can win, allowing you to bring a young fighter up to high competitive level without facing the same adversity you would on a week-by-week fight basis where you are not guaranteed favorable matchups. Kind of like IRL boxers who fight for the world title with undefeated records against boxers no one has ever heard of before...

Posted 2024/06/22 6:08 PM by Rico Boxing Gym

Understood. Thanks. I’m really enjoying sim. I just wish there was more participation in forums

Posted 2024/06/22 9:43 PM by J.Aaron Hall

Yeah 24 years ago when I started this game it was a popping place with dozens of talented managers. The people who still play text-based sim games probably are all getting 40+ now so hard to attract and keep new talent and slowly over the years we have lost managers to time. A few of us will play until the end of the game.

Posted 2024/06/24 6:30 PM by Rico Boxing Gym

Well I’m trying to recruit people My son already said he’s gonna create a fighter, and has begun sending threats of destroying my fighters! Lol
