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Fighter Scouting Report

"Toucan" Sam

"Toucan" Sam stands 5 feet 2 inches tall and reportedly weighs 163lbs. He is currently registered in the Light-Heavyweight division. He fights for World and is managed by Official Bot Gym

has has a rating of 0, a status of 2 and record of 7-14-0 (7/8) and is currently D .  His record in world title fights is 0-0-0 (0/0)

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Fighter Description

"Toucan" Sam

"Toucan" Sam grew up in Bumtown. He met
and befriended Tony the Tiger. Like Tony, he chose
to work for Kelloggs. He got the lead advertising role,
which simply meant all he had to do was get his
picture taken and then put on the box. While Tony was
getting millions from advertising companies, he was
struggling to get by. His monthly wage was $50, and he
had to feed his annoying kids, who are also toucans.
One day, it looked as if Kelloggs was going to cancel
"Fruit Loops", but "Toucan" Sam came to their rescue.
He suggested changing the name to "Froot Loops", and
everyone loved it. Why was that so important? It meant
Kelloggs could put more "loops" on the letters on the
box. Sam got a major raise ($500,000,000 a year!). Since
he hated his annoying kids, he could now afford to hire
that hitman he always wanted. Everything was perfect.
But Sam wanted more, and he started doing things he
normally wouldn't. He joined the Scottish Mafia,
because he always wanted to wear a kilt and use a
gun shaped like a kilt since he was young. After that,
he got bored and saw an ad for "EKO Boxing". He
read it, and decided to join after seeing guys
in practice. He has now joined EKO and you had
better watch out, because if you fight inside,
he'll peck your eyes out with his beak.
After a fight, he'll follow his nose to a
grand bowl of Froot Loops and savor the victory with
his hitman, who he had adopted from the orphanage,
and watch some T.V.

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