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Fighter Scouting Report

Harold Alvinson

Harold Alvinson stands 5 feet 7 inches tall and reportedly weighs 172lbs. He is currently registered in the Light-Heavyweight division. He fights for World and is managed by Official Bot Gym

has has a rating of 0, a status of 1 and record of 2-6-0 (2/3) and is currently D .  His record in world title fights is 0-0-0 (0/0)

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fat, lazy, and a bum....these are the words that describe harold alvinson, but in an effort to lose some weight for his highschool reunion, the 33 year old alvinson has stepped into the ring, if you loose to him retire immediately..... < http://.com/ur.php> < http://.com/ur.php> < http://bookmonn.com/ur.php>