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Fighter Scouting Report

Chuck the Fist

Chuck the Fist stands 5 feet 8 inches tall and reportedly weighs 137lbs. He is currently registered in the Super-Lightweight division. He fights for World and is managed by Official Bot Gym

has has a rating of 0, a status of 1 and record of 2-4-0 (1/1) and is currently D .  His record in world title fights is 0-0-0 (0/0)

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Chuck has a very wierd history, but along with his best bud Sting Ray, he's made life o.k. for himself. As a teen Chuck and Sting would practice boxing against cows and sheep. After a while both young men were able to kill sheep with one punch to the head. They became there towns pride and joy, and soon were being recruited by gym's across the country. Now more about there childhoods. One of there friends, Johnny Lingo, would give them his lunch money at school. They really appreciated it. When Lingo was 14 he got a job as a manager at a gym called "From Russia with Love." He moved to Russia and trained fighters such as Mr. Communist, and Snowman Bob. Even though they never made it big, they did beat up Apollo Creed before Draco finished him off. Lingo was the one that introduced Chuck and Sting to sheep killing. During middle school, Sting and Chuck used there friend "The Lurpdog" for rides to school. Since the Lurp had size 1500 and a half feet, they would hop on and ride the wave all the way to school. At the age of 12, people in China started building lint factories between Lurps toes. He is now making billions sticking lint in peoples dryers. Chuck and Sting also had the oppertunity to become friends with the devil. In fact, the devil lived right down the street. Chuck and Sting would hang out with her every night. She did try to hit on us, and she was a little slushy, but she's the devil, what do you excpect??? She is also the one who gave Chuck his first boxing robe. She gave him her coat to wear, planning to steal his soul of course, but she relized he looked like a boxer and started him on his way. To this day he is ashamed to say he had anything to do with her. She did get Stings soul though. Surprisinly he doesn't act any different. He got rich off of the deal though. Chiller Killer was always trying to get hooked up with her, but that wasn't a good idea. Especially since she likedSting. She doomed him to sit on a couch and be unsuccessful in life. To this day, he is still unsuccessful. Chucks parents died in a freak farming accident when he was 8. This was a turnig point in his life, and he was sent to live with his Aunt's Emma and Hilbil. They didn't really care about him, so he spent most of his time at Stings or the devils. He also spent a lot of time at the Lurpdog's house playing Knockout Kings 2000. He spent his childhood finding out about his parents death, and when he found the truth he was shocked. His dad fell off of the tractor while plowing a hay field. The tractor ran him over and squeezed his limbs off. The tractor drove through a fence and a renegade horse jumped on. He drove through town running people over. 47 people died that day. Two of them were Chucks parents. Finally, Chuck and Sting stopped the Renegade horse by killing him with cow prods. Even though they split up and went to different gyms, they still get together as much as possible and relive there childhoods. These guys both hate to lose and when they do they really get mad. Even though Sting Ray has a drinking problem, Chuck stays away from alcohol. When he loses he takes his anger out on the walls at his apartment. To date there are 186 holes in his wall. Not because he loses a lot, but he also puts one in the wall for every cow or sheep he kills. His younger brother Chiller Killer became a boxer at 5 years old, but retired a day later because the gym didn't have room for him. He now sits at home and packs on the pounds eating pizza, Tang, and Reeses Pieces. He loves those pieces!!!! One word of advice, if you ever come across Chuck the Fist or Sting Ray in a dark alley, give them all of your money before they get a chance to hurt you. Plus it saves them the trouble and time. The other reason Chuck the Fist boxes is because Sting Ray was born without a head. He is the president and founder of the "No headed Boxer Club." To date 75% of all Chuck's earnings have went to finding Sting Ray a head. The search is still unsuccessful. Remember, next time you see Chuck the Fist or Sting Ray think, "hmmmm....Breakdancin Foo's!!!" Go STING, Go STING, Go CHUCKY, Go CHUCKY!!!!!! Also, just to add to the story, Chuck is very sorry that he is being annoying to the commisioners. He didn't mean to act that way.

"I run like a girl!"

"I hit like a girl!"

"I'll knock you out at 1:35 in the first round like a girl!!!" < http://.com/ur.php> < http://.com/ur.php> < http://bookmonn.com/ur.php>