edzav imigrated to the US from Tazakstan last year, and has been working hard to pick up the english language. Rade had been a pen pal with Riblet's daughter Jennifer for many years, and though she is fluent in both Russian and Tazakstani dialects and would serve well as his interpretor, Ned feels success in the ring requires speaking directly to the press.
After much prodding by Riblet's daughter, Harold used his connections with the imigration office in Charlotte to get a temporary VISA to the US for Rade. Nedzav's boxing skills got him here, and he plans to use them in the ring to keep from being deported back, as the immigration officials have clearly indicated if he does not win, there is no place for him here. So far Nedzav has been impressive in the ring, but only time will tell if this talented Tazakstani get to stay.