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Fighter Scouting Report
Alma "Gooch" Washington
Alma "Gooch" Washington stands 5 feet 1 inches tall and reportedly weighs 115lbs. He is currently registered in the Flyweight division. He fights for U.S. South and is managed by Riblet
has has a rating of
7, a status of
8 and record of
12-4-3 (5/3) and is currently
. His record in world title fights is
0-0-0 (0/0)
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Fighter Description
Alma, known as Gooch to all her friends, had a full life raising her three boys and taking care of her good for nothing husband. But one day she had enough him and his bad attitude, so she went to her favorite restuarant, Riblet's House of Good Eatin', and took up boxing. After a few months of hard work, there was no more pushing her around at home, and she proves it everyday now. Her husband has shaped up, and now cleans the house and takes care of the kids for the most part, while Alma is working on her new professional career in boxing. She has impressed everyone so far but herself. "I only beats twelve men so far!"
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