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Detective Jack Huey
Detective Jack Huey stands 5 feet 8 inches tall and reportedly weighs 162lbs. He is currently registered in the Middleweight division. He fights for World and is managed by Official Bot Gym
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Fighter Description
Name: Jack Huey
Rank: Detective
Position: Area 7 Detective Division
Posting: District 27
Jack Huey was Louis Gardino’s partner. Huey was the more realistic, cynical, and stylish member of the partnership.
When it comes to women, Huey is not much of a romantic and thinks love is a crap shoot.
Huey considers Fraser to be an idealistic goody goody - since he won’t play cards for money or do anything human. He took much pleasure in helping Fraser steal Milk Duds so that he could do him the favour of arresting him.
After Detective Gardino was killed, Huey worked on his own for some time. Now he has a new partner, Detective Thomas E. Dewey, and he must get accustomed to his quirks.
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