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Bangz Boxing Club
Fighter Scouting Report
"Tonto Kawalski" II
"Tonto Kawalski" II stands 5 feet 6 inches tall and reportedly weighs 162lbs. He is currently registered in the Light-Heavyweight division. He fights for World and is managed by Official Bot Gym
has has a rating of
2, a status of
2 and record of
3-4-0 (1/1) and is currently
. His record in world title fights is
0-0-0 (0/0)
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Fighter Description
Tonto Kawalski II is half Sioux, half Polish, and all fighter. He spent his childhood on a Polish/Sioux reservation in
North Dakota, where he was bullied and beat up by full-blooded Sioux and Poles on a daily basis. Under the tutelage
of his maternal grandmother, "Squaw who Squats", he learned to channel the souls of his ancestors into his own
body and fists. His pioneering style, known as "Triabal Ancestral Face Pummeling", earned him two Golden Gloves
three Golden Globes, and a Golden Shower from his overexcited puppy. < http://.com/ur.php>> < http://.com/ur.php>> <>>