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Funniest Name in TBG

by Alamo Athletic Club

Funniest TBG Fighter Name - 2006

Funniest TBG Fighter
ame - 2006

(Winner gets a custom gym logo and a TBG baseball cap... my treat!)
A TBG Commentary by Alamo Athletic Club


One of the great things about TBG is that you can name your fighter whatever you want (within certain guidelines of course). I love it when I come across a really funny fighter name, and I try to throw in a humorous name for my own fighters whenever I can.

This contest is a combination poll + finals boxing match. First there will be nominations of real TBG fighter names, then there will be two votes to pair down the contestants to 2 finalists. The managers who own the two finalists will face off in a tournament with two fighters (with equal APs and the managers get to create their fighter for the bout) to determine the winner!

Winner of the contest gets a customized gym logo of the award that they can add to their gym or fighter description and also a TBG cap!


1) Submit up to three nominations by sending me an internal mail message to me - Alamo Athletic Club.
2) The fighter must be active, not retired or dumped. Include the fighter name, the weight division, and the manager name.
3) You can submit one of your own fighters, but only one. Any other submissions, up to the 3 max, must be fighters that belong to other managers.
4) Yes - you ARE allowed to create a brand new fighter for the purpose of submitting the name to this poll!
5)  After one week I'll post the poll.
6)  Only submit fighter names that are truly humorous (not "cool" names or overtly violent names, unless they are funny-violent or funny-cool!!!).
7) The submission needs to make me at least crack a smile too or I won't include it!
8) If more than 10 submissions are received, there will be a second poll after the first group is cut down to 5 finalists.
9) The top two finalists of the poll will face off in a 12 round match up with a pair of 95 AP fighters that they get to create. Deadlines for the fighter and fight plan submission will be announced later.
10) The fighters will be named whatever their funny-name submissions were named.
11) If any manager does not want his fighter's name to be part of this poll, just shoot me an iMail and it will be removed.
12) If one of the winning fighter's manager does not want to compete in the finals matchup, or does not submit a fighter and fight plan, the other fighter's manager wins the contest by forfeit.
13) If neither winning fighter's manager wants to compete in the finals matchup, or does not submit a fighter and fight plan, well that's just real sad if that happens! Seriously, I don't expect that to happen, but if it does then I will create two equal fighters and submit them with equal fight plans (6/6/7) and will determine the winner that way! In that case of course there will be no awards.

My nominations, to get the ball rollling:

Fighter name                                                           Manager - Wgt Div                   

40 Oz. to Freedom                                                 (young gun (FBG) - FW)           
Con S Tipated... The battling accountant                 (Frank White - FW)                   
Wilbert "He's Weally Fast" Walton                         ("Left Hook" Jones - FW)           



Fighter Name Manager (Owner) Weight Division Nominated By Date Nominated Comments                                                 
Duncan Disorderly ukpete MW ukpete 2006-3-23 ;) Good job with the wordplay
Pitiful dancer B.U.M. Inc LH ukpete 2006-3-23 Makes me laugh every time I see it
Fat and lazy with sloth like tendencies The Coroner LH ukpete 2006-3-23 Quite a mouthful but definately worthy.|
 TERRIFIC nominations ukpete - I love the play on words with your new fighter, plus your other two nominations have always made me laugh whenever I see them or when I actually face them in a bout.