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Napoleon's Medieval Olympic Beasts of Th

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Originally hailing from Parts Unknown and now fighting out of the U.S. East region, Napoleon's Medieval Olympic Beasts of Th is currently Inactive joined the game 1/15/2000 4:29:37 PM and was last online 2/11/2003 6:21:34 PM

Napoleon's Medieval Olympic Beasts of Th has achieved level 2

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"I believe love to be hurtful to society,and to the individual happiness of man. I believe, in short, that love does more harm than good." - Napoleon Bonaparte

Now has come the darkest night with a treacherous blood-filled moon. We shall bring the greatest glory, disguised as victory, back to Napoleon soon!!! When you step upon this battlefield and make my Gods irrate, you will soon learn of my fury and your inevitable fate!!! As the story continues and the writers fill the pages, EVERYONE best well remember NAPOLEON'S MEDIEVAL BEASTS OF THE DARK AGES