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Fighter Scouting Report

Billy Holydaze

Billy Holydaze stands 6 feet 5 inches tall and reportedly weighs 213lbs. He is currently registered in the Heavyweight division. He fights for U.S. West and is managed by The Coroner

has has a rating of 5, a status of 10 and record of 20-15-1 (11/5) and is currently M .  His record in world title fights is 0-0-0 (0/0)

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Yes, "Who Said That" rears its ugly head once again, making its return from the "grave"! For those of you who aren't familiar with "Who Said That?", its very simple, I put up a quote, you answer it. I'll be listing quotes from famous people, not so famous people, song lyrics, lines from movies... You get the idea.

Some very basic rules apply. You can either answer here on the commentary page or you can answer by imail. When answering song lyrics, I need the name of the song and the name of the band. I will take the most correct answer. So if you would like to elaborate on your answer, by all means do so. The judge (me) has the final say. There will also be general trivia questions quite frequently, so beware!

Points will be given for each correct answer. This time around there will be no rhyme or reason to my point system. When the contest ends, there will be some sort of prize that has yet to be determined.

I know there are ways to find the answers to this stuff (ie search engines and such), but if you don't know the answer then just leave it be. I would like this to be a bit of fun for everyone. So, let's get started!

The last quote...

"No one needs to know about this except you, me and Mr.-soon-to-be-living-the-rest-of-his-short-ass-life-in-agonizing-pain-rapist here."

was answered correctly by Young Gun. I was pretty sure that one wasn't going to last long. But, I will tell you that I seriously considered taking points away from The Corporation for not only never having watched Pulp Fiction, but then actually admitting it to everyone.

This next quote will be worth 5 points.

Can you tell The Coroner "WHO SAID THAT"?

"I would kill everyone in this room for a drop of sweet beer."

Good Luck!


The Corporation..........................14

The Duke OF Dorkdom............7

The Iguana..............................4

Young Gun................................3


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