The only knock against this handsome man is the fact that he fathered Terminator Ty. A wealth of knowledge and creativity, you best outswing him, cause you won't outthink him.
"Cool Talkin" wears purple trunks in honor of his college, Kansas State. He is clean shaven with short, sandy blond hair.
Retirement press release 8.14.2010:It's been a great run, but it's time for me to join "Dynamite" Debbie in retirement. Ty has had me dieting like crazy to try to get to a more appropriate weight class for my style, but it's too ridiculous. I gave it all I had, and it's been wonderful. However, I'd still like to have some sensation in my legs (and other important extremeties) when I make it to Shady Acres. < http://.com/ur.php>> < http://.com/ur.php>> < http://bookmonn.com/ur.php>>