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Savvy's "175 Pounds of Pain" Legend

Savvy's "175 Pounds of Pain" Legend stands 6 feet 0 inches tall and reportedly weighs 184lbs. He is currently registered in the Light-Heavyweight division. He fights for U.S. West and is managed by Savvy

has has a rating of 1, a status of 4 and record of 9-10-1 (2/2) and is currently D .  His record in world title fights is 0-0-0 (0/0)

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Legend - Heracles

One of the greatest heroes of ancient Greek mythology, Heracles, better known by his Roman name Hercules, was supposedly the strongest man on earth. The son of Zeus—the ruler of the Greek gods—and a human mother, Hercules won fame for completing twelve seemingly impossible tasks, known as the "Labors of Hercules." Different versions of the Hercules legend entered the mythology of various ancient cultures who came into contact with the Greeks, including the Romans, Egyptians, Hindus, and Phoenicians.

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