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Fighter Scouting Report
K.O KING stands 5 feet 2 inches tall and reportedly weighs 219lbs. He is currently registered in the Heavyweight division. He fights for U.S. East and is managed by 1 + 1 (BOT Gym 3)
has has a rating of
7, a status of
11 and record of
0-2-0 (0/1) and is currently
. His record in world title fights is
0-0-0 (0/0)
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Fighter Description
Well it's the M - I - crooked letter, ain't no one better
And when I'm in the ring you best to wear your sweater
Cause I'm cooler than a polar bear's toenails
Oh hell, there he go again talkin that shit
Bend, corner's like I was a curve, I struck a nerve
And now you bout to see this Southern playa serve
I heard it's not where you're from but where you pay rent
Then I heard it's not what you make but how much you spent
you got me bent like elbows, amongst other things, but I'm not worried
Cause when we step up in the ring, like I'm out-you-scurry
So go get your frickin' shine box, and your sack of nickles
It tickles to see you try to be like Mr. Pickles
Daddy fat sacks, B-I-G B-O-I
It's that same mother***** that took them knuckles to your eye
And I try, to warn you not to test but you don't listen
Givin the shout out to my Uncle Donnel locked up in prison
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