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Bangz Boxing Club
Fighter Scouting Report
Nash T. O'Door
Nash T. O'Door stands 6 feet 0 inches tall and reportedly weighs 185lbs. He is currently registered in the Light-Heavyweight division. He fights for U.S. West and is managed by Ruben Luna
has has a rating of
9, a status of
9 and record of
38-28-2 (25/6) and is currently
. His record in world title fights is
0-0-0 (0/0)
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Fighter Description
The O'Door clan is one of the most feared clans in Irish lore. The O'Doors were formidable enough as fighting men, but when the "wind was at their back" they were INVINCIBLE!! The O'Doors NEVER bathe! They believe that bathing only weakens them. And, in a way, they are ripe, OOPS! I mean right! Their yellow & brown kilts were the most dreaded sight in ancient Ireland. Believe me, the yellow & brown DIDN'T come from saffron and mud stains! Though dreaded by their fellow Irish, the O'Doors were also highly respected in old EIRE. You see, they were also responsible for some of the few but cherished victories that the Irish did accomplish against the Anglo-Saxon invaders. However, the O'Doors also proved to be a liability at times to the Irish. In 1369, at the great but virtually unknown "Battle of the Bath," the Irish were on the verge of the greatest victory in the country's history. They practically had the English driven into the sea! At the crucial time, the O'Doors swept from "downwind" onto the English right flank causing great panic and confusion as well as "mass nausea" within the English lines! Then, the wind changed direction, causing the same effect among the other Irish forces, and a sudden DOWNPOUR drenched all combatants, but especially ROBBING the O'Doors of their STINK. OOPS! I mean STRENGTH! Anyway, the English were able to hold the field, and well, you know the rest. As for Nash, he ain't a bad looking guy. He kind of reminds one of a young (S)Mel Gibson. Just don't get DOWNWIND from this kid! Remember the old Irish prayer about the O'Doors: "Oh Dear God, PLEASE send RAIN!" < http://.com/ur.php>> < http://.com/ur.php>> <>>