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Fighter Scouting Report

Aleshia "The Princess" Douglas

Aleshia "The Princess" Douglas stands 6 feet 6 inches tall and reportedly weighs 227lbs. He is currently registered in the Heavyweight division. He fights for Europe and is managed by Stephanie's Boxing Academy

has has a rating of 1, a status of 1 and record of 1-1-0 (0/0) and is currently D .  His record in world title fights is 0-0-0 (0/0)

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Fighter Description

"The Prettiest Fighter in the World" and also a brill poet, Aleshia recently took over the PORTISHEAD BOXING CLUB from her brother, and plans to use it to promote tough young female boxers from the London or Norwich area. Aleshia, though born in Bristol, grew up in London and has not forgotten her roots since moving out into the sticks (Norwich), she still represents the Islington Massive, and remembers were she's from. < http://.com/ur.php> < http://.com/ur.php> < http://bookmonn.com/ur.php>