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Fighter Scouting Report
Bob Johnson
Bob Johnson stands 6 feet 1 inches tall and reportedly weighs 213lbs. He is currently registered in the Heavyweight division. He fights for U.S. West and is managed by Tiftyto
has has a rating of
0, a status of
8 and record of
18-19-4 (6/9) and is currently
. His record in world title fights is
0-0-0 (0/0)
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Fighter Description
Bob Johnson entered heavyweight division as an amateur at the age of 18.
He is about 6'1" and wieghts somewhere in the range of 200 lbs. He grew up in the little town of Chino Hills, California, which is surrounded by other small and medium sixe towns.
Translation: there wasn't much to do growing up. He started training under mdpeterson42, an avid fan of the Rocky movies, when he was 13 years old, and now feels that he has what it takes to go all the way to the top.
72 or 78
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