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Fighter Scouting Report
Alcoholic stands 5 feet 7 inches tall and reportedly weighs 135lbs. He is currently registered in the Lightweight division. He fights for U.S. South and is managed by Gay PRIDE 4Ever
has has a rating of
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0-2-0 (0/2) and is currently
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Fighter Description
He wasn't arrested for DWI's like you expect from most drunks, but he was arrested after he got drunk and attempted to rob a scarecrow. When he told the scarecrow to give up the money he fired 3 shots into it and after he saw that it wouldn't fall he called the police and told them he had found superman. While in a mental institution he beat another man almost to deat just because he wanted to drink the man's rubbing alcohol but we think he's clean now but he'll be tested before each match. < http://.com/ur.php>> < http://.com/ur.php>> <>>