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Fighter Scouting Report

"Big Punch" Alyson Farmer

"Big Punch" Alyson Farmer stands 4 feet 10 inches tall and reportedly weighs 114lbs. He is currently registered in the Strawweight division. He fights for U.S. Midwest and is managed by Terminator Ty

has has a rating of 1, a status of 4 and record of 23-22-0 (18/12) and is currently R .  His record in world title fights is 0-0-0 (0/0)

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Fighter Description

"Big Punch" Alyson Farmer is a feisty 4-year old. She is a good friend of Terminator's gym, and she wanted to give it a shot in the ring. Alyson surpassed all expectations by winning the U.S. Midwest regional Strawweight title on March 6, 2010, against Nick "The Brain" Saban (Fists).

The mighty tyke stunned the boxing pundits by successfully defending her title with a decision win over Bectel Straw 2010 on March 13, 2010.

All of a sudden, Terminator Ty has high hopes for the youngster. < http://.com/ur.php> < http://.com/ur.php> < http://bookmonn.com/ur.php>