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Fighter Scouting Report

Mr. Jehu

Mr. Jehu stands 5 feet 7 inches tall and reportedly weighs 119lbs. He is currently registered in the Bantamweight division. He fights for U.S. South and is managed by BaptistPreach

has has a rating of 5, a status of 5 and record of 7-3-0 (0/0) and is currently M .  His record in world title fights is 0-0-0 (0/0)

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Don't miss the retirement party for Marvelous immediately after the fight!
Mr. Jehu vs. Marvin "Marvelous" Sonsona!! 10-27-09

Will this be the third straight defeat of Marvelous by a fighter under baptistpreach's management??

Known for great speed and killer instincts

He's tougher than he looks!

Jehu was a man who upon being anointed the next king of Israel, promptly proceeded to kill the reigning king Jehoram, and then killed the king of Judah, as well as Jezebel, the mother of Jehoram, and then had all the royal family killed (all 70 of them). Oh yes, he also tricked all the followers of Baal into a temple, and then had them all killed too.

How did Jehu have time to kill all these people? Simple, he rode his chariot fast everywhere he went!
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