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Fighter Scouting Report
Billy "The Pocket Rocket" Goat
Billy "The Pocket Rocket" Goat stands 4 feet 10 inches tall and reportedly weighs 99lbs. He is currently registered in the Strawweight division. He fights for AustralAsia and South America and is managed by Emrah
has has a rating of
5, a status of
5 and record of
8-3-0 (3/0) and is currently
. His record in world title fights is
0-0-0 (0/0)
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Fighter Description
Most definitely had the toughest fights of all fighters at the Aussie shed. Billy Goat managed to beat two of Elboxeo chargers in his first 2 fights and now has a title shot in his 3rd fight. Billy goat will go into the fight the underdog. Manager Emrah is quietly confident that he may have his first regional title and his first ever champion. < http://.com/ur.php>> < http://.com/ur.php>> <>>