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Fighter Scouting Report

Cimbom Pride

Cimbom Pride stands 5 feet 7 inches tall and reportedly weighs 146lbs. He is currently registered in the Middleweight division. He fights for AustralAsia and South America and is managed by Emrah

has has a rating of 3, a status of 5 and record of 8-5-0 (4/4) and is currently D .  His record in world title fights is 0-0-0 (0/0)

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Fighter Description

The pride of Istanbul. Cimbom has passed every test so far but it is yet to be seen if he has what it takes to break the top10. As hinted at a possible switch in weight division in a few years time. < http://.com/ur.php> < http://.com/ur.php> < http://bookmonn.com/ur.php>