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Fighter Scouting Report
Michael L. Castillo
Michael L. Castillo stands 5 feet 7 inches tall and reportedly weighs 123lbs. He is currently registered in the Welterweight division. He fights for U.S. West and is managed by MCBoss
has has a rating of
2, a status of
2 and record of
14-14-2 (0/0) and is currently
. His record in world title fights is
0-0-0 (0/0)
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Fighter Description
RING ATTIRE: Castillo's ring attire consists entirely of three colors; white, colombia blue and gold (of course!)
He wears white trunks which go to about mid-thigh. Around the bottom of the trunks, wrapping around each leg, the tights have blue then gold trim. He wears white boots with a thick gold strip vertically down the back of each boot with colombian blue stripes on either side.He also has his initials "MLC" interlocking in gold lettering down the outside of each boot.
He wears multi-striped wrist bands which match the colored trim of his trunks. During his entrance he wears his mirror-tint YSL shades and a large, flowing robe of white velvet, feather-trimmed, detailed with colombian blue and gold as well.
TATTOOS: Believe it or not, Castillo is quite the lover of tattoos. Though he does not have many, he prides himself in the ones he has.
He has an extremely large tribal/thorned tattoo in the vague shape of a sword or dagger, wrapped from the lower part of the right side of his neck across the top of his shoulder, then underneath his arm and extending to the outter point of his wrist. He also has an Aztec sun over his heart and a "$" largely underneath his left forearm.
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