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Fighter Scouting Report

Jarkko Tikkanen

Jarkko Tikkanen stands 5 feet 9 inches tall and reportedly weighs 153lbs. He is currently registered in the Welterweight division. He fights for England and is managed by jeffthejar

has has a rating of 11, a status of 11 and record of 17-7-0 (9/6) and is currently D .  His record in world title fights is 0-0-0 (0/0)

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Fighter Description

Jarkko is a young boxer hailing from Ouluu, Finland. Jarkko is entering the boxing world alongside long-time training partner, Atti Jaervinen. Jarkko's training specializes in endurance, and likes to fight for the whole bout. Jarkko tries to fight an exciting fight, and rarely will you see him dancing around his opponent for the whole match. Currently attemping to enter the world of boxing as a welterwieght, Jarkko isn't exactly on his target weight, and has a lot of training left to do before this Finnish boxer can prove himself in any circuit. < http://.com/ur.php> < http://.com/ur.php> < http://bookmonn.com/ur.php>