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Fighter Scouting Report
Sammy "The Bull" Rager
Sammy "The Bull" Rager stands 5 feet 10 inches tall and reportedly weighs 163lbs. He is currently registered in the Cruiserweight division. He fights for England and is managed by scotty boy
has has a rating of
6, a status of
7 and record of
17-11-0 (11/4) and is currently
. His record in world title fights is
0-0-0 (0/0)
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Fighter Description
A lean mean fighting machine. Fast and furious combos combined with extremely agressive foot work makes this fighter hard to hit, and even harder to knock down. Watch out cause he doesn't sting like any bee, he strikes like a viper, leaving opponents liquified on the latin wedding rings floor!! < http://.com/ur.php>> < http://.com/ur.php>> <>>