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Fighter Scouting Report
Curtis "Bad Dog" Brayfield
Curtis "Bad Dog" Brayfield stands 5 feet 10 inches tall and reportedly weighs 166lbs. He is currently registered in the Middleweight division. He fights for Amateur and is managed by Bad Dog
has has a rating of
9, a status of
10 and record of
19-10-0 (3/3) and is currently
. His record in world title fights is
0-0-0 (0/0)
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Fighter Description
Take a white guy with sailor tattoos and an ego reminicent of Cassius Clay, and you are close to what Bad Dog is. A military veteren, but a ring rookie, he maintains that he knows no one can really beat him. "I might not have a lot of fights in the ring, but where I'm from, I had to fight every day on the way to and from school."
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