
Currently Online: Rico Boxing Gym 

Fighter Scouting Report

Seven of Diamonds

Seven of Diamonds stands 4 feet 10 inches tall and reportedly weighs 134lbs. He is currently registered in the Lightweight division. He fights for Europe and is managed by Pete (Mac)

has has a rating of 3, a status of 3 and record of 7-4-0 (5/2) and is currently M .  His record in world title fights is 0-0-0 (0/0)

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Fighter Description

ex-Slugger Apprentice

The story so far:

Week 1: Won by 12th round KO against Ramstad (D.E)'s 'R. Gain Weight' to get off to a flying start.
Week 2: Lost to 'Penthouse Basher' in the 8th. Spent an hour sparring it too.
Week 3: Back to winning ways with easy win over 'Got No Hope'.
Week 4: Encountered 'Penthouse Basher' again. Despite a much altered FP I fall to same result as last time. His small AGL advantage is killing me!
Week 5: 'Got No Hope' provides another IP free win, but one round too late because I neglected to alter some round numbers on my fightplan. Probably cost my team a point there.
Week 6: 'R. Gain Weight' falls to the same fightplan that did for him in week 1, but this time he keels over a round earlier and costs me a precious 50 BP. Still, a wins a win.
Week 7: 'R. Gain Fortune' ruins me by not falling over when he was ordered to. The only plusses are the fact I got no more IPs and the AP lost was in TGH.
Week 8: Odd win against an overweight auto-pilot 'Dean Saunders'. Despite having a 10 points status advantage he felt the need to fight dirty. DQ victory in the 2nd.
Week 9: Booted :o(. But I fight on! :o). As promised I utterly destroy 'R. Gain Fortune' leaving the poor slapper a gibbering ruined mess. Ref stops fight at the end of round 10.
Week 10: Taking a short break to avoid a re-match with 'Penthouse Basher'. Sorry Juzzi81.
Week 492: Permanenty retired due to suffering from non-barrelchested build. If your interested I'm currently 28 14 11 10. < http://.com/ur.php> < http://.com/ur.php> < http://bookmonn.com/ur.php>