Public Fight Report
Not Found.Looking for C:\home\site\wwwroot\public_reports\903677.htm on local disk...(Featherweight) Bribe For The Ferryman defeated Slugger Prodigy II by disqualification in round 1.Match Tuesday, August 13, 2013In this corner, standing 4 feet and 10 inches (147 centimeters) tall weighing in at 126 pounds (57 kilograms) is Bribe For The Ferryman!!
In this corner, standing 5 feet and 1 inch (155 centimeters) tall weighing in at 125 pounds (57 kilograms) is Slugger Prodigy II!!
The referee for this bout will be Jay Nady.
Bribe is using the ring. (using the ring)
Slugger tries to cut off the ring. (cutting off the ring)
+Slugger hits with a pair of stinging blows to the eye. Bribe laughs!
+Slugger strikes with a series of punches to the jaw. Bribe shakes his head to clear it.
+Slugger attacks with a flurry of punches to the temple.
+Bribe slams Slugger with a flurry of punches to the chest.
-Slugger tries to land a left left to the chin, but misses completely.
-Slugger attacks with a volley of punches to the eye, but Bribe beats a hasty retreat.
+Bribe suprises Slugger with a barrage of off balance punches to the ribs.
+Bribe tosses a volley of stiff punches to the chest!
+Slugger whacks Bribe with a series of combinations to the eye!
+Bribe pops Slugger with a barrage of punches to the chest. Slugger shakes his head to clear it.
-Slugger paws a left left to the face, but Bribe takes it in the forearms.
+ The fighters trade punches to the eye.
+Slugger hits with Bribe with a bite to the ear! Bribe For The Ferryman seems unable to continue the bout! The referee halts the bout!
Bribe For The Ferryman wins by forfeit!!
Bribe doesn't want to stop fighting!
Slugger doesn't even want to rest!
Bribe For The Ferryman wins by a foul!