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(Featherweight) Big Boy Camp II defeated BOT-152476 by knockout (KO) in round 1.

Match Sunday, July 07, 2013

In this corner, standing 5 feet and 1 inch (155 centimeters) tall weighing in at 113 pounds (51 kilograms) is Big Boy Camp II!!

In this corner, standing 6 feet(183 centimeters) tall weighing in at 126 pounds (57 kilograms) is BOT-152476!!

The referee for this bout will be Richard Steele.


Big Boy Camp Ii throws everything he's got! (all-out)
Bot-152476 stays outside and fires rat-a-tat jabs.

+Bot-152476 solidly lands a barrage of hard shots to the ribs!! Big Boy Camp Ii doesn't notice.
+Bot-152476 lands a series of punches to the jaw.
+Bot-152476 whacks Big Boy Camp Ii with a pair of punches to the solar plexus. Big Boy Camp Ii doesn't notice.
-Big Boy Camp Ii lunges with a barrage of right roundhouses to the mouth, but comes up empty.
+Bot-152476 jars Big Boy Camp Ii with a quick sweeping right to the temple.
+Bot-152476 throws a solid blow to the mouth.
+ The fighters trade shots to the jaw.
+Bot-152476 wakes up the fans with a flurry of wild punches to the eye.
+Big Boy Camp Ii connects with a series of punches to the face! Bot-152476 doesn't seem bothered.
+Big Boy Camp Ii throws a barrage of mean shots to the eye.
Big Boy Camp Ii lands a resounding right punch in the nose and Bot-152476 goes over backwards!!










He's Out!
Big Boy Camp II wins by a Knock Out!!

Big Boy Camp Ii doesn't even want to rest!

Bot-152476 remains standing while the trainer wipes him down. He has a bloody lip.

Big Boy Camp II wins by a knockout!