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Public Fight Report

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(Test Division #1) BOT-152236 defeated Test Absorbing Man by disqualification in round 6.

Match Tuesday, March 19, 2013

In this corner, standing 6 feet and 5 inches (196 centimeters) tall weighing in at 227 pounds (103 kilograms) is Test Absorbing Man!!

In this corner, standing 5 feet and 7 inches (170 centimeters) tall weighing in at 206 pounds (93 kilograms) is BOT-152236!!

The referee for this bout will be Richard Steele.


Test backpedals and jabs.
Bot-152236 covers up.

-Bot-152236 tries to land a pair of shots to the mouth, but Test backs out of it.
+Test connects with a barrage of glancing shots to the solar plexus.
+Test pops Bot-152236 with an illegal rabbit punch! The referee sees it and issues a warning!
+Test drills Bot-152236 with a jab to the chest.
-Test tries a volley of punches to the solar plexus, but goes wide.
+Test suprises Bot-152236 with a flurry of nasty punches to the stomach.


According to the commentator:

Test Absorbing Man landed 17 of 24 punches, and BOT-152236 landed 2 of 9 punches.

Test Absorbing Man won the round 10-9

Test Absorbing Man is winning the fight 10-9

Test doesn't want to stop fighting!

Bot-152236 doesn't want to stop fighting!


Test is backpedaling. (using the ring)
Bot-152236 covers up.

+Test drills Bot-152236 with a barrage of wild punches to the head.
-Test launches a pair of left punches to the eye, but fails to score.
-Test attacks with a series of right punches to the chin, but Bot-152236 steps aside.
-Bot-152236 attempts a volley of right blows to the nose, but Test steps aside.
+Test fires Bot-152236 with an elbow! The referee sees it and takes a point away!
The fighters circle.


According to the commentator:

Test Absorbing Man landed 14 of 25 punches, and BOT-152236 landed 2 of 8 punches.

BOT-152236 won the round 10-9

This fight is too close to call.

Test doesn't want to stop fighting!

Bot-152236 doesn't want to stop fighting!


Test is backpedaling. (using the ring)
Bot-152236 covers up.

-Bot-152236 attempts a flurry of right punches to the stomach, but Test beats a hasty retreat.
+Test jolts Bot-152236 with a volley of punches to the head.
+Test wallops Bot-152236 with a barrage of punches to the eye.
+Test hammers Bot-152236 with a head butt! Boo! Boo!
-Test paws a barrage of punches to the nose, but is ineffective.



According to the commentator:

Test Absorbing Man landed 15 of 25 punches, and BOT-152236 landed 2 of 8 punches.

Test Absorbing Man won the round 10-9

Test Absorbing Man is winning the fight 29-28

Test doesn't want to stop fighting!

Bot-152236 doesn't want to stop fighting!


Test is backpedaling. (using the ring)
Bot-152236 covers up.

+Test lashes out with Bot-152236 with an illegal kidney punch! This is unbelievable!
+Test clocks Bot-152236 with a flurry of punches to the eye.
-Bot-152236 attempts a flurry of blows to the face, but to no avail.
+Test tags Bot-152236 with a stinging sweeping right to the eye.
-Test paws a flurry of punches to the temple, but to no avail.



According to the commentator:

Test Absorbing Man landed 14 of 23 punches, and BOT-152236 landed 2 of 7 punches.

Test Absorbing Man won the round 10-9

Test Absorbing Man is winning the fight 39-37

Test doesn't want to stop fighting!

Bot-152236 doesn't want to stop fighting!


Test is backpedaling. (using the ring)
Bot-152236 covers up.

+Test belts Bot-152236 with an illegal rabbit punch! Boo! Boo!
-Test lunges with a pair of punches to the jaw, but misses completely.
-Bot-152236 lunges with a flurry of right punches to the solar plexus, but only hits air.
-Test probes with a barrage of punches to the face, but Bot-152236 quickly backs away.
+Test wallops Bot-152236 with a volley of stiff punches to the eye.
The fighters circle.


According to the commentator:

Test Absorbing Man landed 13 of 22 punches, and BOT-152236 landed 2 of 8 punches.

Test Absorbing Man won the round 10-9

Test Absorbing Man is winning the fight 49-46

Test doesn't want to stop fighting!

Bot-152236 doesn't want to stop fighting!


Test is backpedaling. (using the ring)
Bot-152236 covers up.

+Test scores with Bot-152236 with a bite to the ear! BOT-152236 is writhing in pain. The referee halts the bout!
BOT-152236 wins by forfeit!!
Test doesn't even want to rest!

Bot-152236 doesn't want to stop fighting!

Judge Guimond had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Test Absorbing Man 10-9
Round 2: BOT-152236 10-9
Round 3: Test Absorbing Man 10-9
Round 4: Test Absorbing Man 10-9
Round 5: Test Absorbing Man 10-9

Judge Leinbach had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Test Absorbing Man 10-9
Round 2: BOT-152236 10-9
Round 3: Test Absorbing Man 10-9
Round 4: Test Absorbing Man 10-9
Round 5: Test Absorbing Man 10-9

Christy Martin had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Test Absorbing Man 10-9
Round 2: BOT-152236 10-9
Round 3: Test Absorbing Man 10-9
Round 4: Test Absorbing Man 10-9
Round 5: Test Absorbing Man 10-9

BOT-152236 wins by a foul!