Public Fight Report
(Strawweight) The last Straw defeated 93D15591-6F9B-4E1C-B8E7-005232EA682B by knockout (KO) in round 5.Match Thursday, January 16, 2025In this corner, standing 4 feet and 5 inches (135 centimeters) tall weighing in at 103 pounds (47 kilograms) is The last Straw!!
In this corner, standing 4 feet and 10 inches (147 centimeters) tall weighing in at 106 pounds (48 kilograms) is 93D15591-6F9B-4E1C-B8E7-005232EA682B!!
The referee for this bout will be Richard Steele.
Straw clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Ea682b covers up.
+Straw jars Ea682b with a flurry of blows to the solar plexus.
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Ea682b pounds Straw with a commanding uppercut to the mouth.
-Straw attempts a pair of punches to the stomach, but Ea682b escapes.
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Straw hits Ea682b with a furious uppercut to the solar plexus!
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Straw launches a volley of left shots to the solar plexus, but to no avail.
+Straw smashes Ea682b with a volley of glancing punches to the stomach.
-Straw paws a volley of left blows to the chest, but Ea682b narrowly avoids it
+Straw hits with a pair of stiff blows to the chest.
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
According to the commentator:
The last Straw landed 21 of 38 punches, and 93D15591-6F9B-4E1C-B8E7-005232EA682B landed 6 of 9 punches.
The last Straw won the round 10-9
The last Straw is winning the fight 10-9
Straw doesn't want to stop fighting!
Ea682b doesn't want to stop fighting!
Straw clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Ea682b grabs his opponent and pounds him. (clinching)
+Ea682b tags Straw with a series of loud punches to the chest. Straw gets mad!
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Straw lands a pair of nasty blows to the solar plexus.
+Straw belts Ea682b with a mean uppercut to the solar plexus.
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Ea682b throws a pair of right punches to the chest, but Straw blocks.
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
Straw tries to attack, but Ea682b hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Straw hammers Ea682b with a volley of shots to the chest.
+Straw lands a volley of off balance blows to the ribs. Ea682b grimaces in pain.
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Straw belts Ea682b with a volley of blows to the chest.
Straw tries to attack, but Ea682b hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Straw lands a series of blows to the solar plexus.
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Ea682b lands a mean left to the ribs.
+Ea682b throws a flurry of quick shots to the ribs. Straw quickly recovers.
+Straw hits Ea682b with a volley of glancing punches to the stomach.
Straw lands a resounding blow to the temple and Ea682b staggers. He reaches for the ropes ... and misses -- Flop!!
Ea682b struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Straw grazes Ea682b with a powerful uppercut to the chest.
According to the commentator:
The last Straw landed 40 of 40 punches, and 93D15591-6F9B-4E1C-B8E7-005232EA682B landed 11 of 27 punches.
The last Straw won the round 10-8
The last Straw is winning the fight 20-17
Straw remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.
Ea682b is obviously tired.
Straw clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Ea682b clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
+Straw staggers Ea682b with a series of powerful punches to the chest. Ea682b retreats to the far corner.
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Straw tags Ea682b with a barrage of nice blows to the solar plexus.
+Ea682b hits with a pair of furious punches to the chest.
+Ea682b catches Straw with a pair of heavy punches to the temple. Straw asks for time to wipe off the blood.
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Straw grazes Ea682b with a series of punches to the stomach.
Straw lands a tremendous uppercut and Ea682b is knocked down!!
Ea682b struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
Straw tries to attack, but Ea682b hangs on until the referee separates them.
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
Straw tries to attack, but Ea682b hangs on until the referee separates them.
According to the commentator:
The last Straw landed 15 of 16 punches, and 93D15591-6F9B-4E1C-B8E7-005232EA682B landed 4 of 8 punches.
The last Straw won the round 10-8
The last Straw is winning the fight 30-25
Straw remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.
Ea682b looks exhausted.
Straw clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Ea682b grabs his opponent and pounds him. (clinching)
+Straw clocks Ea682b with a flurry of light shots to the solar plexus.
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Straw belts Ea682b with a uppercut to the chest!
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Ea682b tries a series of right shots to the chest, but only hits air.
+Straw wallops Ea682b with a flurry of shots to the stomach!! Ea682b is hurt!
Straw tries to attack, but Ea682b hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Straw pummels Ea682b with a pair of stiff punches to the ribs.
Straw lands a lightning right uppercut and Ea682b staggers. He reaches for the ropes ... and misses -- Flop!!
Ea682b struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
Straw tries to attack, but Ea682b hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Ea682b connects with a light right to the ribs! Straw sneers "My little sister can hit harder than you!"
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Straw tags Ea682b with a series of punches to the solar plexus.
Straw lands a terrific blow to the temple and Ea682b collapses!!
Ea682b struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Ea682b pokes Straw with a pair of blows to the chest.
-Ea682b probes with a volley of right shots to the chest, but Straw deftly avoits it.
+Ea682b drills Straw with a flurry of commanding shots to the solar plexus.
According to the commentator:
The last Straw landed 16 of 16 punches, and 93D15591-6F9B-4E1C-B8E7-005232EA682B landed 11 of 27 punches.
The last Straw won the round 10-7
The last Straw is winning the fight 40-32
Straw remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.
Ea682b collapses limply onto his stool.
Straw clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Ea682b clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Ea682b tries to attack, but Straw hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Straw suprises Ea682b with a pair of blows to the ribs.
Straw lands a brutal cross to the jaw and Ea682b hurtles to the canvas!!
He's Out!
The last Straw wins by a Knock Out!!
Straw remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.
Ea682b can't remember which corner is his. He has minor cut below the right eye.
Judge Guimond had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: The last Straw 10-9
Round 2: The last Straw 10-8
Round 3: The last Straw 10-8
Round 4: The last Straw 10-7
Judge Leinbach had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: The last Straw 10-9
Round 2: The last Straw 10-8
Round 3: The last Straw 10-8
Round 4: The last Straw 10-7
Christy Martin had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: The last Straw 10-9
Round 2: The last Straw 10-8
Round 3: The last Straw 10-8
Round 4: The last Straw 10-7
The last Straw wins by a knockout!