Public Fight Report
(Strawweight) Dumb guy defeated 85C41A7C-7429-4B3B-9682-03A2FDBDD33B by knockout (KO) in round 2.Match Monday, January 13, 2025In this corner, standing 4 feet and 5 inches (135 centimeters) tall weighing in at 106 pounds (48 kilograms) is Dumb guy !!
In this corner, standing 4 feet and 10 inches (147 centimeters) tall weighing in at 106 pounds (48 kilograms) is 85C41A7C-7429-4B3B-9682-03A2FDBDD33B!!
The referee for this bout will be Jay Nady.
Dumb clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Fdbdd33b clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
+Dumb grazes Fdbdd33b with a low blow! The referee sees it and issues a warning!
Fdbdd33b tries to attack, but Dumb hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Dumb attacks with a pair of furious blows to the solar plexus.
Fdbdd33b tries to attack, but Dumb hangs on until the referee separates them.
Fdbdd33b tries to attack, but Dumb hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Dumb throws a uppercut to the solar plexus.
Dumb lands a powerful smash to the jaw and Fdbdd33b's mouth guard flies into the far corner -- he's down!!
Fdbdd33b struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Fdbdd33b drills Dumb with a volley of stiff punches to the stomach.
Dumb tries to attack, but Fdbdd33b hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Dumb hits with a flurry of nice shots to the chest.
+Fdbdd33b scores with a series of nice blows to the stomach! Dumb covers up.
Dumb tries to attack, but Fdbdd33b hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Fdbdd33b tags Dumb with a series of strong punches to the solar plexus! Dumb retreats to the far corner.
The fighters start chatting with members of the press.
Fdbdd33b tries to attack, but Dumb hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Fdbdd33b probes with a barrage of left blows to the solar plexus, but Dumb ducks just in time.
+Fdbdd33b catches Dumb with a vicious uppercut to the chest!
+Dumb attacks with a furious hook to the chest.
+Dumb pokes Fdbdd33b with a barrage of nasty shots to the stomach.
+Dumb attacks with a flurry of loud blows to the stomach!!
Dumb tries to attack, but Fdbdd33b hangs on until the referee separates them.
The fighters start chatting with members of the press.
According to the commentator:
Dumb guy landed 39 of 42 punches, and 85C41A7C-7429-4B3B-9682-03A2FDBDD33B landed 15 of 26 punches.
Dumb guy won the round 10-8
Dumb guy is winning the fight 10-8
Dumb doesn't even want to rest!
Fdbdd33b grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool.
Dumb tries to cut off the ring. (cutting off the ring)
Fdbdd33b clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
+Fdbdd33b lands a volley of furious punches to the nose.
+Dumb rocks Fdbdd33b with a series of loud combinations to the chest.
+Fdbdd33b catches Dumb with a barrage of light punches to the nose.
Dumb tries to attack, but Fdbdd33b hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Fdbdd33b takes charge with a vicious right to the jaw.
+Dumb wallops Fdbdd33b with a flurry of vicious combinations to the solar plexus.
Dumb lands a sudden blow to the temple and Fdbdd33b collapses!!
Fdbdd33b struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Fdbdd33b hits Dumb with a volley of glancing combinations to the temple.
+Fdbdd33b attacks with a series of powerful shots to the face!!
+Dumb rocks Fdbdd33b with a series of light shots to the chest. Fdbdd33b sneers "My grandmother can hit harder than that!"
+Dumb grazes Fdbdd33b with a pair of punches to the stomach.
+Dumb hits Fdbdd33b with a barrage of punches to the solar plexus.
+Fdbdd33b annoys Dumb with a barrage of combinations to the face.
+ The fighters trade combinations to the mouth.
+Fdbdd33b punches Dumb with a vicious cross to the jaw!!
+ The fighters swap combinations to the eye.
Dumb tries to attack, but Fdbdd33b hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Fdbdd33b tosses a flurry of off balance shots to the mouth. Dumb hangs on until the referee breaks them up.
+Dumb smashes Fdbdd33b with a barrage of off balance combinations to the ribs!
+Fdbdd33b annoys Dumb with a volley of heavy shots to the jaw. Dumb sneers "My little sister can hit harder than you!"
+Dumb jolts Fdbdd33b with a volley of powerful punches to the chest. Fdbdd33b falls against the ropes!
+Dumb smashes Fdbdd33b with a pair of vicious combinations to the solar plexus. Fdbdd33b sneers "My little sister can hit harder than you!"
+Fdbdd33b lands a pair of loud blows to the head! Dumb sneers "My grandmother can hit harder than that!"
+Dumb jars Fdbdd33b with a left to the solar plexus.
+Dumb annoys Fdbdd33b with a flurry of light punches to the ribs.
+Dumb tags Fdbdd33b with a wild right to the chest.
+Dumb clocks Fdbdd33b with a pair of furious punches to the solar plexus.
Dumb lands a ferocious left cross to the jaw and Fdbdd33b falls to the canvas!!
Fdbdd33b struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
-Fdbdd33b paws a barrage of left blows to the jaw, but fails to score.
+Fdbdd33b solidly lands a heavy right to the face!
-Fdbdd33b attacks with a flurry of shots to the head, but is ineffective.
+Fdbdd33b pummels Dumb with a pair of solid blows to the ribs.
+Fdbdd33b pummels Dumb with a loud straight right to the chest.
+Dumb throws a pair of stinging combinations to the stomach.
Dumb lands a quick right haymaker and Fdbdd33b lands flat on his back!!
He's Out!
Dumb guy wins by a Knock Out!!
Dumb remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.
Fdbdd33b receives medical attention from his trainer.
Judge Guimond had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: Dumb guy 10-8
Judge Leinbach had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: Dumb guy 10-8
Sean O'Grady had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: Dumb guy 10-8
Dumb guy wins by a knockout!