Public Fight Report
(Middleweight) 8611068D-9077-4776-BF17-02034B7763BB defeated Shane Slick And Strong by technical knockout (TKO) in round 3.Match Friday, December 13, 2024In this corner, standing 5 feet and 6 inches (168 centimeters) tall weighing in at 156 pounds (71 kilograms) is Shane Slick And Strong!!
In this corner, standing 5 feet and 11 inches (180 centimeters) tall weighing in at 160 pounds (73 kilograms) is 8611068D-9077-4776-BF17-02034B7763BB!!
The referee for this bout will be Dalby Shirley.
Strong is using the ring. (using the ring)
D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb covers up.
-D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb tries to land a pair of shots to the mouth, but Strong escapes.
+Strong lashes out with a series of nasty punches to the temple.
+Strong punches D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb with a flurry of punches to the nose.
+D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb connects with a flurry of stiff shots to the ribs!
+Strong stuns D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb with a flurry of heavy shots to the eye.
+Strong tags D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb with a volley of commanding punches to the head.
+Strong clocks D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb with a barrage of nasty punches to the temple.
+D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb hurts Strong with a series of off balance punches to the head. Strong shakes his head to clear it.
According to the commentator:
Shane Slick And Strong landed 24 of 32 punches, and 8611068D-9077-4776-BF17-02034B7763BB landed 15 of 24 punches.
Shane Slick And Strong won the round 10-9
Shane Slick And Strong is winning the fight 10-9
Strong is obviously tired.
D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb doesn't want to stop fighting!
Strong is using the ring. (using the ring)
D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb covers up.
+Strong hits with a flurry of stinging shots to the stomach.
-Strong throws a uppercut to the ribs, but to no avail.
+Strong rocks D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb with a volley of strong punches to the chest. D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb asks for time to wipe off the blood.
-Strong charges with a flurry of right punches to the ribs, but he's too slow.
+Strong fires a barrage of nice punches to the ribs. D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb laughs!
+Strong wakes up the fans with a series of solid shots to the chest.
+D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb clocks Strong with a flurry of off balance blows to the eye.
+D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb tags Strong with a volley of vicious shots to the nose. Strong gets mad!
+D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb jolts Strong with a barrage of shots to the chin.
+D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb throws a volley of blows to the mouth. Strong doesn't notice.
+ The fighters trade punches to the jaw.
According to the commentator:
Shane Slick And Strong landed 21 of 40 punches, and 8611068D-9077-4776-BF17-02034B7763BB landed 20 of 23 punches.
Shane Slick And Strong won the round 10-9
Shane Slick And Strong is winning the fight 20-18
Strong can't remember which corner is his.
D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb doesn't want to stop fighting!
Strong is using the ring. (using the ring)
D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb covers up.
+D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb catches Strong with a pair of punches to the nose!
-Strong throws a flurry of left punches to the solar plexus, but goes wide.
+D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb tags Strong with a flurry of furious punches to the face.
D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb lands a thundering right blow to the temple and Strong drops like a stone!!
Strong struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb backs up Strong with a pair of nasty shots to the jaw. D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb is raining blows! Strong's arms hang limply at his sides. The Referee stops the fight!
8611068D-9077-4776-BF17-02034B7763BB wins by a Knock Out!!
Strong can't remember which corner is his.
D-9077-4776-bf17-02034b7763bb doesn't want to stop fighting!
Judge Guimond had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: Shane Slick And Strong 10-9
Round 2: Shane Slick And Strong 10-9
Judge Leinbach had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: Shane Slick And Strong 10-9
Round 2: Shane Slick And Strong 10-9
Roy Jones Jr had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: Shane Slick And Strong 10-9
Round 2: Shane Slick And Strong 10-9
8611068D-9077-4776-BF17-02034B7763BB wins by a technical knockout!