
Currently Online: Bangz Boxing Club 

Public Fight Report

(Super-Heavyweight) BOT-229032 defeated Redicamaulis by technical knockout (TKO) in round 2.

Match Saturday, November 30, 2024

In this corner, standing 9 feet and 3 inches (282 centimeters) tall weighing in at 999 pounds (453 kilograms) is Redicamaulis!!

In this corner, standing 9 feet and 1 inch (277 centimeters) tall weighing in at 744 pounds (337 kilograms) is BOT-229032!!

The referee for this bout will be Joe Cortez.


Redicamaulis tries to cut off the ring. (cutting off the ring)
Bot-229032 is backpedaling. (using the ring)

-Bot-229032 charges with a volley of combinations to the eye, but comes up empty.
-Redicamaulis tries a right jab to the mouth, but Bot-229032 beats a hasty retreat.
+Bot-229032 solidly lands a volley of mean punches to the solar plexus.
-Redicamaulis tries to land a jab to the nose, but he's too slow.
-Bot-229032 fires a volley of punches to the solar plexus, but falls short.
-Redicamaulis tries a volley of right punches to the eye, but falls short.
-Bot-229032 throws a barrage of left punches to the mouth, but falls short.
-Bot-229032 attacks with a pair of left punches to the eye, but Redicamaulis ducks.
-Redicamaulis fires a flurry of left combinations to the eye, but falls short.
-Bot-229032 charges with a flurry of right combinations to the eye, but Redicamaulis hides behind his gloves.
+Redicamaulis scores with Bot-229032 with a head butt! That was totally uncalled for!
+Redicamaulis suprises Bot-229032 with a series of furious combinations to the jaw.
+Bot-229032 scores with a barrage of punches to the eye.
-Redicamaulis lashes out with a right cross to the nose, but goes wide.


According to the commentator:

Redicamaulis landed 8 of 29 punches, and BOT-229032 landed 11 of 41 punches.

Redicamaulis won the round 10-9

Redicamaulis is winning the fight 10-9

Redicamaulis looks exhausted.

Bot-229032 doesn't want to stop fighting!


Redicamaulis tries to cut off the ring. (cutting off the ring)
Bot-229032 is backpedaling. (using the ring)

-Bot-229032 lashes out with a left jab to the head, but Redicamaulis steps aside.
-Redicamaulis paws a volley of right combinations to the chin, but Bot-229032 hides behind his gloves.
-Redicamaulis fires a series of left combinations to the jaw, but Bot-229032 leaps aside.
-Redicamaulis probes with a flurry of combinations to the face, but Bot-229032 steps aside.
+Redicamaulis throws a flurry of combinations to the temple.
+Bot-229032 hits with a straight right to the chin.
-Redicamaulis probes with a right jab to the nose, but Bot-229032 leaps aside.
-Bot-229032 tries to land a flurry of punches to the head, but to no avail.
-Bot-229032 charges with a barrage of left punches to the stomach, but misses completely.
+Bot-229032 stuns Redicamaulis with a jab to the ribs.
-Bot-229032 launches a pair of punches to the jaw, but Redicamaulis backs out of it.
+Bot-229032 annoys Redicamaulis with a series of punches to the solar plexus. Bot-229032 attacks like a wild man! Redicamaulis seems confused and glassy-eyed. The Referee stops the fight!
BOT-229032 wins by a Knock Out!!

Redicamaulis can't remember which corner is his.

Bot-229032 doesn't even want to rest!

Judge Guimond had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Redicamaulis 10-9

Judge Leinbach had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Redicamaulis 10-9

Bobby Czyz had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Redicamaulis 10-9

BOT-229032 wins by a technical knockout!