Public Fight Report
(Cruiserweight) 60F86466-79D2-4337-BD5E-0109CB2CBFC6 defeated James Terry by knockout (KO) in round 2.Match Saturday, November 30, 2024In this corner, standing 5 feet and 7 inches (170 centimeters) tall weighing in at 178 pounds (81 kilograms) is James Terry!!
In this corner, standing 5 feet and 8 inches (173 centimeters) tall weighing in at 188 pounds (85 kilograms) is 60F86466-79D2-4337-BD5E-0109CB2CBFC6!!
The referee for this bout will be Richard Steele.
Terry comes out fighting.
Cbfc6 is relying on counter-punches. (counter-punching)
+Cbfc6 throws a solid counter-punch to the temple!
Terry lunges with a left cross to the nose, but Cbfc6 deflects it and hits back with a combination to the chin.
+Cbfc6 lands a powerful counter-punch to the eye.
+Cbfc6 staggers Terry with a barrage of off balance combinations to the chin.
Terry attempts a series of combinations to the chest, but Cbfc6 slips it and strikes first with a barrage of shots to the face.
+Cbfc6 hits with a flurry of shots to the head! Terry seems wobbly!
+Cbfc6 annoys Terry with a pair of painful blows to the nose!!
-Terry attacks with a volley of left combinations to the jaw, but he's too slow.
+Terry shakes Cbfc6 with a series of solid punches to the jaw. Cbfc6 seems wobbly!
-Terry lunges with a pair of right shots to the chin, but loses his balance.
-Terry fires a pair of right blows to the mouth, but Cbfc6 stays away from it.
Terry paws a series of punches to the face, but Cbfc6 slips it and counters with a wild sweeping right to the stomach.
+Cbfc6 hits with a volley of stinging combinations to the jaw.
Cbfc6 lands a beautiful right smash to the jaw and Terry is lifted off his feet and onto his back!!
Terry struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
-Terry throws a pair of left punches to the chin, but Cbfc6 steps aside and laughs.
+Terry connects with a barrage of blows to the nose. Cbfc6 beats a hasty retreat.
-Terry paws a pair of right punches to the mouth, but Cbfc6 steps aside and laughs.
Terry tries a flurry of right shots to the nose, but Cbfc6 slips it and counters with a barrage of wild shots to the temple.
-Terry throws a series of blows to the eye, but taps his opponent ineffectively.
+Terry takes charge with a series of vicious blows to the chin!!
+Cbfc6 thumps Terry with a stiff counter-punch to the chin.
+Terry lands a flurry of nice punches to the face. Cbfc6 hangs on until the referee breaks them up.
+Cbfc6 scores with a pair of shots to the chest.
Cbfc6 lands a cruel cross to the jaw and Terry collapses!!
Terry struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
-Terry attempts a left jab to the stomach, but misses.
+Terry lands a volley of quick blows to the mouth.
+Cbfc6 backs up Terry with a jab to the chin!
+ The fighters trade shots to the mouth.
Terry lashes out with a pair of shots to the chin, but Cbfc6 knocks it away and hits first with a commanding counter-punch to the mouth.
+Cbfc6 jars Terry with a pair of painful combinations to the stomach.
-Terry attempts a flurry of shots to the jaw, but Cbfc6 escapes.
+Terry annoys Cbfc6 with a flurry of strong combinations to the chin.
According to the commentator:
James Terry landed 23 of 68 punches, and 60F86466-79D2-4337-BD5E-0109CB2CBFC6 landed 38 of 41 punches.
60F86466-79D2-4337-BD5E-0109CB2CBFC6 won the round 10-7
60F86466-79D2-4337-BD5E-0109CB2CBFC6 is winning the fight 10-7
Terry grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool. He has a bloody nose.
Cbfc6 doesn't want to stop fighting! He has a fractured nose.
Terry comes out fighting.
Cbfc6 is relying on counter-punches. (counter-punching)
+Cbfc6 lands a flurry of mean combinations to the temple.
Cbfc6 lands a ferocious left punch in the nose and Terry is flattened!!
Terry struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Terry tattoos Cbfc6 with a series of nasty punches to the chest.
+Cbfc6 drills Terry with a series of shots to the temple.
+Cbfc6 backs up Terry with a combination to the head.
Terry fires a flurry of left shots to the solar plexus, but Cbfc6 knocks it away and hits first with a flurry of light shots to the nose.
+Terry fires a pair of powerful shots to the head.
+Cbfc6 hurts Terry with a series of combinations to the face.
+Cbfc6 lands a flurry of glancing combinations to the chest.
-Terry probes with a uppercut to the temple, but goes wide.
Terry fires a volley of shots to the eye, but Cbfc6 slips it and counters with a flurry of heavy combinations to the stomach!!
-Terry probes with a series of right punches to the head, but Cbfc6 deftly avoits it.
Terry attempts a series of left shots to the jaw, but Cbfc6 leans away and hits back with a flurry of shots to the head.
+Terry rocks Cbfc6 with a barrage of vicious shots to the head.
Terry throws a flurry of right punches to the jaw, but Cbfc6 leans away and hits back with a pair of heavy combinations to the eye.
+Terry tags Cbfc6 with a series of punches to the chin. Cbfc6 retreats to the far corner.
-Terry throws a flurry of right combinations to the solar plexus, but goes wide.
+Cbfc6 punches Terry with a barrage of quick combinations to the jaw.
+Cbfc6 hits with a flurry of combinations to the temple.
-Terry throws a volley of blows to the nose, but Cbfc6 covers himself well.
Terry paws a series of blows to the chin, but Cbfc6 knocks it away and hits first with a flurry of shots to the face.
+Cbfc6 suprises Terry with a heavy right to the mouth. Terry quickly recovers.
Cbfc6 lands a vicious left uppercut and Terry is knocked down!!
He's Out!
60F86466-79D2-4337-BD5E-0109CB2CBFC6 wins by a Knock Out!!
Terry looks exhausted. He has minor cut above the right eye. He has a bloody nose. He has a broken tooth.
Cbfc6 doesn't want to stop fighting! He has a fractured nose.
Judge Guimond had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: 60F86466-79D2-4337-BD5E-0109CB2CBFC6 10-7
Judge Leinbach had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: 60F86466-79D2-4337-BD5E-0109CB2CBFC6 10-7
Bobby Czyz had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: 60F86466-79D2-4337-BD5E-0109CB2CBFC6 10-7
60F86466-79D2-4337-BD5E-0109CB2CBFC6 wins by a knockout!