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Public Fight Report

(Middleweight) F213BDE3-7774-4878-96FF-0440FBDC3B19 defeated Steve Severin by knockout (KO) in round 2.

Match Friday, November 29, 2024

In this corner, standing 6 feet(183 centimeters) tall weighing in at 154 pounds (70 kilograms) is Steve Severin!!

In this corner, standing 5 feet and 3 inches (160 centimeters) tall weighing in at 160 pounds (73 kilograms) is F213BDE3-7774-4878-96FF-0440FBDC3B19!!

The referee for this bout will be Joe Cortez.


Severin is relying on counter-punches. (counter-punching)
Fbdc3b19 clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)

Severin tries to attack, but Fbdc3b19 hangs on until the referee separates them.
Severin tries to attack, but Fbdc3b19 hangs on until the referee separates them.
Severin tries to attack, but Fbdc3b19 hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Fbdc3b19 tosses a stiff right to the nose.
Severin tries to attack, but Fbdc3b19 hangs on until the referee separates them.
Fbdc3b19 probes with a volley of punches to the nose, but Severin leans away and hits back with a volley of light combinations to the stomach. Fbdc3b19 shakes his head to clear it.
+Fbdc3b19 throws a pair of shots to the stomach.
-Severin fires a flurry of combinations to the stomach, but Fbdc3b19 stays away from it.
Fbdc3b19 charges with a right counter-punch to the chest, but Severin deflects it and hits first with a barrage of stinging combinations to the solar plexus.
+Fbdc3b19 suprises Severin with a volley of punches to the chest!
+Fbdc3b19 wallops Severin with a flurry of heavy punches to the temple.
-Severin launches a pair of right combinations to the stomach, but Fbdc3b19 beats a hasty retreat.
Fbdc3b19 launches a volley of right punches to the mouth, but Severin knocks it away and strikes first with a series of combinations to the stomach!
+Severin fires a barrage of strong combinations to the stomach.
+Fbdc3b19 smacks Severin with a series of heavy blows to the eye.
+Fbdc3b19 rocks Severin with a pair of blows to the face.
+Fbdc3b19 fires a uppercut to the solar plexus.
+Fbdc3b19 hits with a flurry of painful punches to the head. Severin backpedals to his own corner.
+Fbdc3b19 rocks Severin with a pair of blows to the temple!
+Fbdc3b19 hits with a series of nasty punches to the nose. Severin seems wobbly!
+Fbdc3b19 throws a barrage of solid blows to the head!
Fbdc3b19 tries a series of left shots to the mouth, but Severin leans away and hits back with a pair of punches to the ribs.
-Severin fires a volley of combinations to the stomach, but Fbdc3b19 leaps aside.
+Severin tags Fbdc3b19 with a volley of vicious shots to the solar plexus.
+Fbdc3b19 rocks Severin with a series of blows to the chest. Severin ignores it.
-Fbdc3b19 charges with a volley of right combinations to the ribs, but misses completely.
+Fbdc3b19 hits with a pair of stiff blows to the head. Severin laughs!
+Fbdc3b19 pokes Severin with a series of punches to the jaw.
Severin tries to attack, but Fbdc3b19 hangs on until the referee separates them.

+Fbdc3b19 hits with a barrage of punches to the temple.


According to the commentator:

Steve Severin landed 14 of 33 punches, and F213BDE3-7774-4878-96FF-0440FBDC3B19 landed 65 of 71 punches.

F213BDE3-7774-4878-96FF-0440FBDC3B19 won the round 10-9

F213BDE3-7774-4878-96FF-0440FBDC3B19 is winning the fight 10-9

Severin doesn't even want to rest!

Fbdc3b19 doesn't want to stop fighting!


Severin is relying on counter-punches. (counter-punching)
Fbdc3b19 fights inside. (inside)

+Fbdc3b19 jolts Severin with a flurry of combinations to the solar plexus.
+Severin punches Fbdc3b19 with a series of combinations to the jaw.
+Fbdc3b19 throws a quick uppercut to the stomach.
Fbdc3b19 lands a well placed right blow to the temple and Severin is knocked out of the ring!!






Severin struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Fbdc3b19 attacks with a glancing counter-punch to the ribs.
Fbdc3b19 lands a ferocious punch in the nose and Severin drops like a stone!!







Severin struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+ The fighters swap shots to the mouth.
Fbdc3b19 paws a right hook to the stomach, but Severin slips it and strikes first with a pair of furious shots to the nose.
+Fbdc3b19 annoys Severin with a flurry of blows to the chest. Severin hangs on until the referee breaks them up.
+Fbdc3b19 tattoos Severin with a barrage of nice shots to the stomach. Severin beats a hasty retreat.
Fbdc3b19 lands a tremendous blow to the head and Severin's knees buckle -- he topples to the canvas!!










He's Out!
F213BDE3-7774-4878-96FF-0440FBDC3B19 wins by a Knock Out!!

Severin can't remember which corner is his. He has swelling above the left eye.

Fbdc3b19 doesn't even want to rest!

Judge Guimond had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: F213BDE3-7774-4878-96FF-0440FBDC3B19 10-9

Judge Leinbach had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: F213BDE3-7774-4878-96FF-0440FBDC3B19 10-9

Larry Holmes had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: F213BDE3-7774-4878-96FF-0440FBDC3B19 10-9

F213BDE3-7774-4878-96FF-0440FBDC3B19 wins by a knockout!