Public Fight Report
(Light-Heavyweight) BOT-228800 defeated Landon M Dwyer by technical knockout (TKO) in round 2.Match Friday, November 22, 2024In this corner, standing 6 feet and 4 inches (193 centimeters) tall weighing in at 175 pounds (79 kilograms) is BOT-228800!!
In this corner, standing 6 feet(183 centimeters) tall weighing in at 175 pounds (79 kilograms) is Landon M Dwyer!!
The referee for this bout will be Mitch Halpern.
Bot-228800 is using the ring. (using the ring)
Dwyer feints and fakes. (feinting)
+Dwyer fires a pair of punches to the nose.
+Dwyer hits with a barrage of stinging feints to the ribs.
-Bot-228800 charges with a pair of right punches to the solar plexus, but falls short.
+Dwyer hits with a volley of furious shots to the chin.
-Bot-228800 tries to land a pair of left punches to the ribs, but loses his balance.
+Dwyer jolts Bot-228800 with a series of punches to the nose.
+Bot-228800 fires a stinging counter-punch to the stomach. Dwyer backpedals to his own corner.
+Dwyer shakes Bot-228800 with a series of heavy feints to the solar plexus.
+Bot-228800 scores with a flurry of punches to the ribs. Dwyer covers up.
-Bot-228800 paws a series of blows to the chest, but Dwyer covers himself well.
-Bot-228800 launches a barrage of right punches to the ribs, but Dwyer escapes.
-Bot-228800 paws a volley of punches to the stomach, but Dwyer narrowly avoids it
+Dwyer tattoos Bot-228800 with a solid feint and then a hook to the mouth. Bot-228800 backpedals to his own corner.
According to the commentator:
BOT-228800 landed 11 of 34 punches, and Landon M Dwyer landed 31 of 32 punches.
Landon M Dwyer won the round 10-9
Landon M Dwyer is winning the fight 10-9
Bot-228800 doesn't want to stop fighting!
Dwyer looks exhausted.
Bot-228800 is using the ring. (using the ring)
Dwyer feints and fakes. (feinting)
+Bot-228800 hurts Dwyer with a painful roundhouse to the solar plexus.
Bot-228800 lands a sudden cross to the jaw and Dwyer collapses!!
Dwyer struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Dwyer stuns Bot-228800 with a barrage of shots to the jaw.
-Dwyer throws a barrage of shots to the chin, but Bot-228800 stays away from it.
-Dwyer probes with a barrage of shots to the face, but Bot-228800 ducks just in time.
+Dwyer slams Bot-228800 with a volley of powerful blows to the nose. Bot-228800 sneers "My grandmother can hit harder than that!"
+Dwyer annoys Bot-228800 with a flurry of glancing feints to the mouth. Bot-228800 laughs!
+Dwyer fires a volley of punches to the chin.
+Bot-228800 tags Dwyer with a heavy feint and then a hook to the ribs. Bot-228800 strikes at will! Dwyer begs for mercy! The Referee stops the fight!
BOT-228800 wins by a Knock Out!!
Bot-228800 doesn't want to stop fighting!
Dwyer can't remember which corner is his.
Judge Guimond had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: Landon M Dwyer 10-9
Judge Leinbach had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: Landon M Dwyer 10-9
Larry Holmes had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: Landon M Dwyer 10-9
BOT-228800 wins by a technical knockout!