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Public Fight Report

(Welterweight) Harris Huizingh defeated Danny Hendrix by knockout (KO) in round 1.

Match Thursday, June 13, 2024

In this corner, standing 5 feet and 8 inches (173 centimeters) tall weighing in at 147 pounds (67 kilograms) is Danny Hendrix !!

In this corner, standing 6 feet and 1 inch (185 centimeters) tall weighing in at 147 pounds (67 kilograms) is Harris Huizingh!!

The referee for this bout will be Mitch Halpern.


Hendrix is using the ring. (using the ring)
Huizingh is using the ring. (using the ring)

+Huizingh nails Hendrix with a flurry of punches to the stomach. Hendrix hangs on until the referee breaks them up.
+Huizingh pops Hendrix with a flurry of off balance punches to the chest.
+Huizingh fires a barrage of powerful punches to the chin. Hendrix asks for time to wipe off the blood.
+Huizingh pops Hendrix with a wild left to the temple.
+Huizingh smacks Hendrix with a vicious left to the chest. Hendrix seems wobbly!
+Huizingh punches Hendrix with a strong right to the face.
+Huizingh lands a volley of nice shots to the head. Hendrix retreats to the far corner.
+Huizingh backs up Hendrix with a pair of commanding punches to the face.
+Huizingh hits with a off balance left to the face.
+Huizingh pokes Hendrix with a barrage of furious punches to the chin. Hendrix sneers "Is that the best you can do?"
+Huizingh throws a volley of punches to the chin. Hendrix retreats to the far corner.
+Huizingh attacks with a series of hard punches to the nose.
+Huizingh backs up Hendrix with a pair of punches to the chin. Hendrix covers up.
+Huizingh lands a flurry of punches to the chin!!
Huizingh lands a well placed blow to the temple and Hendrix falls to the canvas!!










He's Out!
Harris Huizingh wins by a Knock Out!!

Hendrix looks exhausted.

Huizingh can't remember which corner is his.

Harris Huizingh wins by a knockout!