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Public Fight Report

(Heavyweight) 07F1A3D0-1586-4F5E-903C-003E915F263F defeated Big Brrrr by knockout (KO) in round 3.

Match Saturday, May 18, 2024

In this corner, standing 5 feet and 10 inches (178 centimeters) tall weighing in at 233 pounds (106 kilograms) is Big Brrrr!!

In this corner, standing 5 feet and 8 inches (173 centimeters) tall weighing in at 224 pounds (102 kilograms) is 07F1A3D0-1586-4F5E-903C-003E915F263F!!

The referee for this bout will be Mitch Halpern.


Brrrr covers up.
F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)

-F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f throws a flurry of left shots to the solar plexus, but Brrrr deftly avoits it.
Brrrr tries to attack, but F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f hangs on until the referee separates them.
Brrrr tries to attack, but F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f hangs on until the referee separates them.
Brrrr tries to attack, but F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Brrrr lands a volley of hard shots to the solar plexus.
+F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f attacks with a stinging hook to the stomach!
Brrrr tries to attack, but F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f hangs on until the referee separates them.
+F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f shakes Brrrr with a volley of punches to the ribs.


According to the commentator:

Big Brrrr landed 8 of 8 punches, and 07F1A3D0-1586-4F5E-903C-003E915F263F landed 11 of 24 punches.

07F1A3D0-1586-4F5E-903C-003E915F263F won the round 10-9

07F1A3D0-1586-4F5E-903C-003E915F263F is winning the fight 10-9

Brrrr remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f doesn't want to stop fighting!


Brrrr covers up.
F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)

+F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f clocks Brrrr with a flurry of mean shots to the solar plexus.
F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f lands a well placed punch in the nose and Brrrr's legs turn to jelly -- down he goes!!






Brrrr struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Brrrr solidly lands a barrage of stinging punches to the chest. F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f sneers "My little sister can hit harder than you!"
Brrrr tries to attack, but F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Brrrr hits F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f with a volley of solid blows to the temple.
Brrrr tries to attack, but F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f hangs on until the referee separates them.
Brrrr tries to attack, but F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f hangs on until the referee separates them.
+F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f hits with a barrage of vicious shots to the chest.
-F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f tries a series of shots to the chest, but Brrrr covers himself well.





+F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f stuns Brrrr with a barrage of shots to the chest.
-F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f attacks with a volley of right shots to the solar plexus, but flails uselessly.


Brrrr tries to attack, but F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f hangs on until the referee separates them.



According to the commentator:

Big Brrrr landed 7 of 8 punches, and 07F1A3D0-1586-4F5E-903C-003E915F263F landed 12 of 24 punches.

07F1A3D0-1586-4F5E-903C-003E915F263F won the round 10-8

07F1A3D0-1586-4F5E-903C-003E915F263F is winning the fight 20-17

Brrrr is slowing down.

F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f doesn't want to stop fighting!


Brrrr covers up.
F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)

+F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f solidly lands a barrage of shots to the ribs.
Brrrr tries to attack, but F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f hangs on until the referee separates them.
Brrrr tries to attack, but F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Brrrr annoys F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f with a series of shots to the chest.
+F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f hits with a flurry of commanding shots to the chest.
-F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f attempts a right to the chest, but is ineffective.
Brrrr tries to attack, but F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f hangs on until the referee separates them.
+F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f annoys Brrrr with a barrage of blows to the solar plexus.
F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f lands a powerful blow to the head and Brrrr falls senseless!!







Brrrr struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f takes charge with a flurry of blows to the solar plexus. Brrrr is hurt!
F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f lands a bone crushing punch in the nose and Brrrr falls senseless!!










He's Out!
07F1A3D0-1586-4F5E-903C-003E915F263F wins by a Knock Out!!

Brrrr can't remember which corner is his.

F1a3d0-1586-4f5e-903c-003e915f263f doesn't want to stop fighting!

Judge Guimond had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: 07F1A3D0-1586-4F5E-903C-003E915F263F 10-9
Round 2: 07F1A3D0-1586-4F5E-903C-003E915F263F 10-8

Judge Leinbach had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: 07F1A3D0-1586-4F5E-903C-003E915F263F 10-9
Round 2: 07F1A3D0-1586-4F5E-903C-003E915F263F 10-8

Bobby Czyz had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: 07F1A3D0-1586-4F5E-903C-003E915F263F 10-9
Round 2: 07F1A3D0-1586-4F5E-903C-003E915F263F 10-8

07F1A3D0-1586-4F5E-903C-003E915F263F wins by a knockout!