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Public Fight Report

(Heavyweight) BAMF 22.1 defeated Ruben Gonzales by unanimous decision: 120-108, 120-108, 120-108.

Match Saturday, February 17, 2024

In this corner, standing 6 feet(183 centimeters) tall weighing in at 237 pounds (108 kilograms) is BAMF 22.1!!

In this corner, standing 6 feet and 1 inch (185 centimeters) tall weighing in at 200 pounds (91 kilograms) is Ruben Gonzales!!

The referee for this bout will be Mills Lane.


Bamf goes for a clinch as soon as the bell rings! (clinching)
Gonzales covers up.

Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bamf attacks with a flurry of shots to the ribs, but misses completely.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.


According to the commentator:

BAMF 22.1 landed 2 of 8 punches, and Ruben Gonzales landed 4 of 8 punches.

BAMF 22.1 won the round 10-9

BAMF 22.1 is winning the fight 10-9

Bamf doesn't want to stop fighting!

Gonzales doesn't want to stop fighting!


Bamf goes for a clinch as soon as the bell rings! (clinching)
Gonzales covers up.

Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
The fighters eye each other warily.
The fighters start chatting with members of the press.



According to the commentator:

BAMF 22.1 landed 2 of 8 punches, and Ruben Gonzales landed 4 of 9 punches.

BAMF 22.1 won the round 10-9

BAMF 22.1 is winning the fight 20-18

Bamf doesn't want to stop fighting!

Gonzales doesn't want to stop fighting!


Bamf goes for a clinch as soon as the bell rings! (clinching)
Gonzales covers up.

-Bamf attacks with a barrage of right punches to the chest, but Gonzales takes it in the forearms.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bamf probes with a right to the stomach, but comes up empty.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
The fighters study each other.
-Bamf charges with a pair of shots to the ribs, but is ineffective.


According to the commentator:

BAMF 22.1 landed 4 of 16 punches, and Ruben Gonzales landed 4 of 8 punches.

BAMF 22.1 won the round 10-9

BAMF 22.1 is winning the fight 30-27

Bamf doesn't want to stop fighting!

Gonzales doesn't want to stop fighting!


Bamf goes for a clinch as soon as the bell rings! (clinching)
Gonzales covers up.

Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bamf probes with a flurry of right punches to the ribs, but taps his opponent ineffectively.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bamf lashes out with a flurry of left punches to the chest, but fails to score.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
The fighters study each other.



According to the commentator:

BAMF 22.1 landed 4 of 15 punches, and Ruben Gonzales landed 4 of 8 punches.

BAMF 22.1 won the round 10-9

BAMF 22.1 is winning the fight 40-36

Bamf doesn't want to stop fighting!

Gonzales doesn't want to stop fighting!


Bamf clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Gonzales covers up.

Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bamf attacks with a right to the chest, but Gonzales beats a hasty retreat.
-Bamf charges with a right to the stomach, but Gonzales leaps aside.
-Bamf tries to land a barrage of punches to the solar plexus, but goes wide.
-Bamf throws a volley of right blows to the solar plexus, but falls short.
+Gonzales throws a volley of punches to the chest!
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Bamf fires a volley of stiff shots to the chest.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.


According to the commentator:

BAMF 22.1 landed 6 of 25 punches, and Ruben Gonzales landed 5 of 7 punches.

BAMF 22.1 won the round 10-9

BAMF 22.1 is winning the fight 50-45

Bamf doesn't want to stop fighting!

Gonzales doesn't even want to rest!


Bamf clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Gonzales covers up.

Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bamf attacks with a series of left blows to the ribs, but fails to score.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bamf probes with a flurry of blows to the chest, but misses.
-Bamf attempts a volley of left blows to the chest, but misses.
The fighters circle.


According to the commentator:

BAMF 22.1 landed 6 of 25 punches, and Ruben Gonzales landed 5 of 8 punches.

BAMF 22.1 won the round 10-9

BAMF 22.1 is winning the fight 60-54

Bamf doesn't even want to rest!

Gonzales doesn't even want to rest!


Bamf clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Gonzales covers up.

Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Gonzales lands a pair of punches to the solar plexus.
-Bamf probes with a uppercut to the ribs, but goes wide.
+Bamf rocks Gonzales with a volley of loud shots to the solar plexus.
-Bamf launches a flurry of right shots to the stomach, but is ineffective.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bamf lunges with a series of left punches to the stomach, but Gonzales escapes.


According to the commentator:

BAMF 22.1 landed 5 of 21 punches, and Ruben Gonzales landed 5 of 8 punches.

BAMF 22.1 won the round 10-9

BAMF 22.1 is winning the fight 70-63

Bamf doesn't even want to rest!

Gonzales doesn't even want to rest!


Bamf clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Gonzales covers up.

Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bamf launches a flurry of shots to the solar plexus, but Gonzales blocks.
-Bamf charges with a barrage of right shots to the ribs, but Gonzales beats a hasty retreat.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bamf probes with a right to the solar plexus, but Gonzales ties him up.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Bamf hits Gonzales with a flurry of solid punches to the chest!
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.



According to the commentator:

BAMF 22.1 landed 6 of 25 punches, and Ruben Gonzales landed 5 of 8 punches.

BAMF 22.1 won the round 10-9

BAMF 22.1 is winning the fight 80-72

Bamf doesn't even want to rest!

Gonzales remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.


Bamf clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Gonzales covers up.

Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bamf probes with a barrage of blows to the solar plexus, but Gonzales blocks.
-Bamf throws a flurry of left punches to the ribs, but misses.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bamf attempts a barrage of right shots to the chest, but comes up empty.
+Gonzales punches Bamf with a series of mean shots to the head.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
The fighters eye each other warily.


According to the commentator:

BAMF 22.1 landed 6 of 24 punches, and Ruben Gonzales landed 5 of 8 punches.

BAMF 22.1 won the round 10-9

BAMF 22.1 is winning the fight 90-81

Bamf doesn't even want to rest!

Gonzales remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.


Bamf clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Gonzales covers up.

Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Gonzales catches Bamf with a jab to the chin. Bamf sneers "Is that the best you can do?"
-Bamf lunges with a flurry of right blows to the stomach, but Gonzales ties him up.
-Bamf probes with a flurry of left shots to the solar plexus, but falls short.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bamf fires a series of right blows to the stomach, but Gonzales deftly avoits it.
Gonzales tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bamf throws a series of right shots to the ribs, but loses his balance.


According to the commentator:

BAMF 22.1 landed 5 of 25 punches, and Ruben Gonzales landed 5 of 8 punches.

BAMF 22.1 won the round 10-9

BAMF 22.1 is winning the fight 100-90

Bamf doesn't even want to rest!

Gonzales remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.


Bamf is a raging bull!. (all-out)
Gonzales covers up.

-Bamf paws a barrage of right shots to the temple, but Gonzales ducks.
+Bamf tosses a series of stiff roundhouses to the eye.
-Bamf launches a barrage of right hooks to the jaw, but Gonzales blocks.
-Bamf probes with a volley of roundhouses to the face, but misses completely.
+Gonzales catches Bamf with a pair of shots to the solar plexus!
-Bamf probes with a barrage of right punches to the chin, but misses.


According to the commentator:

BAMF 22.1 landed 8 of 31 punches, and Ruben Gonzales landed 5 of 8 punches.

BAMF 22.1 won the round 10-9

BAMF 22.1 is winning the fight 110-99

Bamf remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

Gonzales remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.


Bamf is a raging bull!. (all-out)
Gonzales covers up.

-Bamf charges with a barrage of shots to the temple, but misses.
-Bamf launches a volley of crosses to the nose, but Gonzales steps aside.
+Bamf belts Gonzales with a barrage of shots to the mouth.
-Bamf tries to land a series of left blows to the eye, but misses.
-Bamf fires a series of punches to the eye, but he's too slow.
-Bamf tries to land a barrage of left crosses to the head, but Gonzales steps aside.
+Gonzales tosses a series of heavy shots to the head.


According to the commentator:

BAMF 22.1 landed 9 of 31 punches, and Ruben Gonzales landed 5 of 9 punches.

BAMF 22.1 won the round 10-9

BAMF 22.1 is winning the fight 120-108

Bamf remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

Gonzales grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool.

The judges decisions are:

Judge Guimond scores the fight as follows:

Round 1: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 2: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 3: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 4: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 5: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 6: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 7: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 8: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 9: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 10: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 11: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 12: BAMF 22.1 10-9

Total Score: BAMF 22.1 120-108

Judge Leinbach scores the fight as follows:

Round 1: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 2: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 3: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 4: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 5: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 6: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 7: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 8: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 9: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 10: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 11: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 12: BAMF 22.1 10-9

Total Score: BAMF 22.1 120-108

Oscar De La Hoya scores the fight as follows:

Round 1: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 2: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 3: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 4: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 5: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 6: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 7: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 8: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 9: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 10: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 11: BAMF 22.1 10-9
Round 12: BAMF 22.1 10-9

Total Score: BAMF 22.1 120-108

BAMF 22.1 wins by decision!