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Public Fight Report

(Cruiserweight) BOT-177121 defeated Delmar Vincent by knockout (KO) in round 3.

Match Saturday, September 30, 2023

In this corner, standing 5 feet and 4 inches (163 centimeters) tall weighing in at 196 pounds (89 kilograms) is Delmar Vincent!!

In this corner, standing 5 feet and 4 inches (163 centimeters) tall weighing in at 191 pounds (87 kilograms) is BOT-177121!!

The referee for this bout will be Richard Steele.


Vincent tries to cut off the ring. (cutting off the ring)
Bot-177121 clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)

Vincent tries to attack, but Bot-177121 hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Vincent tries a pair of combinations to the face, but comes up empty.
+Bot-177121 grazes Vincent with a glancing hook to the jaw.
+Bot-177121 smacks Vincent with a barrage of stiff blows to the nose!! Vincent laughs!
Bot-177121 lands a ferocious uppercut and Vincent falls senseless!!







Vincent struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
Vincent tries to attack, but Bot-177121 hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Vincent hurts Bot-177121 with a series of punches to the jaw.
Vincent tries to attack, but Bot-177121 hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Vincent throws a flurry of nasty combinations to the jaw.
Vincent tries to attack, but Bot-177121 hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bot-177121 lashes out with a series of right shots to the jaw, but flails uselessly.

+Bot-177121 backs up Vincent with a flurry of wild punches to the head. Vincent doesn't seem bothered.
-Vincent probes with a volley of right combinations to the head, but Bot-177121 takes it in the forearms.

+Vincent punches Bot-177121 with a series of punches to the face.
+Bot-177121 punches Vincent with a hook to the face. Vincent seems wobbly!

-Bot-177121 paws a pair of shots to the eye, but comes up empty.

-Vincent attempts a series of punches to the eye, but is ineffective.

The fighters start chatting with members of the press.


According to the commentator:

Delmar Vincent landed 14 of 31 punches, and BOT-177121 landed 13 of 26 punches.

BOT-177121 won the round 10-8

BOT-177121 is winning the fight 10-8

Vincent doesn't even want to rest! He has minor cut above the right eye. He has minor cut below the right eye. He has gash below the left eye. He has swelling above the right eye.

Bot-177121 doesn't want to stop fighting!


Vincent tries to cut off the ring. (cutting off the ring)
Bot-177121 clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)

+Bot-177121 tags Vincent with a volley of nice shots to the ribs. Vincent retreats to the far corner.
Vincent tries to attack, but Bot-177121 hangs on until the referee separates them.
Vincent tries to attack, but Bot-177121 hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Vincent attacks with a uppercut to the jaw, but Bot-177121 steps aside.
+Bot-177121 wakes up the fans with a hook to the ribs.
Vincent tries to attack, but Bot-177121 hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Vincent tries a volley of right combinations to the eye, but loses his balance.
+Bot-177121 hurts Vincent with a volley of shots to the stomach.
+Vincent pounds Bot-177121 with a volley of nice combinations to the head.
+Vincent slams Bot-177121 with a flurry of off balance combinations to the head.
+Bot-177121 throws a flurry of glancing punches to the ribs.
Bot-177121 lands a powerful hook and Vincent falls senseless!!






Vincent struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
-Vincent probes with a series of combinations to the eye, but comes up empty.
Vincent tries to attack, but Bot-177121 hangs on until the referee separates them.

-Vincent tries to land a barrage of left blows to the jaw, but Bot-177121 deftly avoits it.
Vincent tries to attack, but Bot-177121 hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Bot-177121 jars Vincent with a volley of glancing shots to the stomach.
-Vincent charges with a pair of left combinations to the chin, but loses his balance.
+Bot-177121 whacks Vincent with a mean hook to the chest. Vincent shakes his head to clear it.


According to the commentator:

Delmar Vincent landed 7 of 43 punches, and BOT-177121 landed 23 of 23 punches.

BOT-177121 won the round 10-8

BOT-177121 is winning the fight 20-16

Vincent is slowing down. He has minor cut above the right eye. He has minor cut below the right eye. He has gash below the left eye. He has the right eye swollen shut.

Bot-177121 doesn't even want to rest!


Vincent tries to cut off the ring. (cutting off the ring)
Bot-177121 clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)

+Bot-177121 annoys Vincent with a series of blows to the chest.
Vincent tries to attack, but Bot-177121 hangs on until the referee separates them.

Vincent tries to attack, but Bot-177121 hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Vincent attacks with a barrage of punches to the mouth, but Bot-177121 quickly backs away.
-Vincent fires a pair of right combinations to the chin, but Bot-177121 steps aside.
+Bot-177121 throws a barrage of shots to the stomach.
Bot-177121 lands a devestating right smash to the jaw and Vincent's mouth guard flies into the far corner -- he's down!!










He's Out!
BOT-177121 wins by a Knock Out!!

Vincent can't remember which corner is his. He has serious cut above the right eye. He has minor cut below the right eye. He has gash below the left eye. He has the right eye swollen shut. He has a bloody mouth.

Bot-177121 doesn't even want to rest!

The doctor won't let Delmar Vincent continue the fight! BOT-177121 wins by TKO!!

Judge Guimond had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: BOT-177121 10-8
Round 2: BOT-177121 10-8

Judge Leinbach had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: BOT-177121 10-8
Round 2: BOT-177121 10-8

Christy Martin had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: BOT-177121 10-8
Round 2: BOT-177121 10-8

BOT-177121 wins by a knockout!