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Public Fight Report

(Heavyweight) BAMF 22.1 defeated Zipp 001 by technical knockout (TKO) in round 2.

Match Saturday, August 12, 2023

In this corner, standing 6 feet(183 centimeters) tall weighing in at 237 pounds (108 kilograms) is BAMF 22.1!!

In this corner, standing 5 feet and 7 inches (170 centimeters) tall weighing in at 248 pounds (112 kilograms) is Zipp 001!!

The referee for this bout will be Mills Lane.


Bamf goes for a clinch as soon as the bell rings! (clinching)
Zipp grabs his opponent and pounds him. (clinching)

Zipp tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Zipp tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Bamf tries to attack, but Zipp hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Zipp suprises Bamf with a head butt! The referee sees it and issues a warning!
Zipp tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Zipp tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.

-Zipp lashes out with a right hook to the ribs, but Bamf steps aside.
Bamf tries to attack, but Zipp hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bamf probes with a barrage of right shots to the chest, but to no avail.
Zipp tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Zipp tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Zipp clocks Bamf with a barrage of wild blows to the chest. Bamf falls against the ropes!
Zipp tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Zipp throws a pair of punches to the chest, but Bamf escapes.
+Zipp rocks Bamf with a pair of off balance blows to the solar plexus.


According to the commentator:

BAMF 22.1 landed 3 of 9 punches, and Zipp 001 landed 10 of 24 punches.

Zipp 001 won the round 10-9

Zipp 001 is winning the fight 10-9

Bamf remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

Zipp is obviously tired.


Bamf goes for a clinch as soon as the bell rings! (clinching)
Zipp clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)

Zipp tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.

+Zipp tattoos Bamf with a flurry of punches to the mouth. Bamf ignores it.
Zipp tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Bamf tries to attack, but Zipp hangs on until the referee separates them.
Bamf tries to attack, but Zipp hangs on until the referee separates them.
Zipp tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Zipp tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.

Zipp tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.

Zipp tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Zipp thumps Bamf with a pair of vicious blows to the mouth. Bamf asks for time to wipe off the blood.
Zipp tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Zipp tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
Zipp tries to attack, but Bamf hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Bamf tags Zipp with a painful straight right to the stomach. Bamf is hammering relentlessly! Zipp's manager throws in the towel! The Referee stops the fight!
BAMF 22.1 wins by a Knock Out!!

Bamf remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

Zipp can't remember which corner is his.

Judge Guimond had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Zipp 001 10-9

Judge Leinbach had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Zipp 001 10-9

Sean O'Grady had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Zipp 001 10-9

BAMF 22.1 wins by a technical knockout!