
Currently Online: Rico Boxing Gym 

Public Fight Report

(Middleweight) Poncher defeated Owen Smart by unanimous decision: 120-108, 120-108, 120-108.

Match Friday, October 14, 2022

In this corner, standing 6 feet and 3 inches (191 centimeters) tall weighing in at 160 pounds (73 kilograms) is Poncher!!

In this corner, standing 5 feet and 7 inches (170 centimeters) tall weighing in at 157 pounds (71 kilograms) is Owen Smart!!

The referee for this bout will be Dalby Shirley.


Poncher covers up.
Smart covers up.

+Poncher connects with a volley of heavy punches to the jaw.


The fighters stop to pull up their trunks.


According to the commentator:

Poncher landed 6 of 8 punches, and Owen Smart landed 4 of 8 punches.

Poncher won the round 10-9

Poncher is winning the fight 10-9

Poncher doesn't want to stop fighting!

Smart doesn't want to stop fighting!


Poncher covers up.
Smart covers up.

+Poncher clocks Smart with a flurry of heavy shots to the chest!!




According to the commentator:

Poncher landed 6 of 8 punches, and Owen Smart landed 4 of 8 punches.

Poncher won the round 10-9

Poncher is winning the fight 20-18

Poncher doesn't want to stop fighting!

Smart doesn't want to stop fighting!


Poncher covers up.
Smart covers up.

+Poncher catches Smart with a volley of glancing shots to the temple.




According to the commentator:

Poncher landed 6 of 9 punches, and Owen Smart landed 4 of 8 punches.

Poncher won the round 10-9

Poncher is winning the fight 30-27

Poncher doesn't want to stop fighting!

Smart doesn't want to stop fighting!


Poncher covers up.
Smart covers up.

+Poncher fires a barrage of vicious punches to the nose. Smart asks for time to wipe off the blood.




According to the commentator:

Poncher landed 6 of 8 punches, and Owen Smart landed 4 of 9 punches.

Poncher won the round 10-9

Poncher is winning the fight 40-36

Poncher doesn't want to stop fighting!

Smart doesn't want to stop fighting!


Poncher covers up.
Smart covers up.

+Poncher throws a series of glancing blows to the stomach. Smart sneers "My little sister can hit harder than you!"




According to the commentator:

Poncher landed 5 of 9 punches, and Owen Smart landed 4 of 8 punches.

Poncher won the round 10-9

Poncher is winning the fight 50-45

Poncher doesn't want to stop fighting!

Smart doesn't want to stop fighting!


Poncher covers up.
Smart covers up.

-Smart lunges with a volley of blows to the ribs, but Poncher beats a hasty retreat.

+Poncher fires a series of blows to the chin. Smart doesn't notice.



According to the commentator:

Poncher landed 6 of 8 punches, and Owen Smart landed 3 of 8 punches.

Poncher won the round 10-9

Poncher is winning the fight 60-54

Poncher doesn't want to stop fighting!

Smart doesn't want to stop fighting!


Poncher covers up.
Smart covers up.

+Poncher lands a barrage of heavy punches to the face.




According to the commentator:

Poncher landed 6 of 7 punches, and Owen Smart landed 4 of 8 punches.

Poncher won the round 10-9

Poncher is winning the fight 70-63

Poncher doesn't want to stop fighting!

Smart doesn't want to stop fighting!


Poncher covers up.
Smart covers up.

+Poncher takes charge with a nasty cross to the ribs. Smart seems wobbly!




According to the commentator:

Poncher landed 6 of 8 punches, and Owen Smart landed 4 of 8 punches.

Poncher won the round 10-9

Poncher is winning the fight 80-72

Poncher doesn't want to stop fighting!

Smart doesn't want to stop fighting!


Poncher covers up.
Smart covers up.






According to the commentator:

Poncher landed 6 of 8 punches, and Owen Smart landed 4 of 7 punches.

Poncher won the round 10-9

Poncher is winning the fight 90-81

Poncher doesn't want to stop fighting!

Smart doesn't want to stop fighting!


Poncher covers up.
Smart covers up.

+Poncher shakes Smart with a volley of blows to the nose.




According to the commentator:

Poncher landed 6 of 8 punches, and Owen Smart landed 4 of 7 punches.

Poncher won the round 10-9

Poncher is winning the fight 100-90

Poncher doesn't want to stop fighting!

Smart doesn't want to stop fighting!


Poncher covers up.
Smart covers up.

+Poncher rocks Smart with a flurry of solid blows to the mouth!! Smart beats a hasty retreat.




According to the commentator:

Poncher landed 6 of 8 punches, and Owen Smart landed 3 of 8 punches.

Poncher won the round 10-9

Poncher is winning the fight 110-99

Poncher doesn't want to stop fighting!

Smart doesn't want to stop fighting!


Poncher covers up.
Smart covers up.

+Poncher wakes up the fans with a pair of punches to the nose.


The fighters start chatting with members of the press.


According to the commentator:

Poncher landed 6 of 7 punches, and Owen Smart landed 4 of 7 punches.

Poncher won the round 10-9

Poncher is winning the fight 120-108

Poncher doesn't want to stop fighting!

Smart doesn't want to stop fighting!

The judges decisions are:

Judge Guimond scores the fight as follows:

Round 1: Poncher 10-9
Round 2: Poncher 10-9
Round 3: Poncher 10-9
Round 4: Poncher 10-9
Round 5: Poncher 10-9
Round 6: Poncher 10-9
Round 7: Poncher 10-9
Round 8: Poncher 10-9
Round 9: Poncher 10-9
Round 10: Poncher 10-9
Round 11: Poncher 10-9
Round 12: Poncher 10-9

Total Score: Poncher 120-108

Judge Leinbach scores the fight as follows:

Round 1: Poncher 10-9
Round 2: Poncher 10-9
Round 3: Poncher 10-9
Round 4: Poncher 10-9
Round 5: Poncher 10-9
Round 6: Poncher 10-9
Round 7: Poncher 10-9
Round 8: Poncher 10-9
Round 9: Poncher 10-9
Round 10: Poncher 10-9
Round 11: Poncher 10-9
Round 12: Poncher 10-9

Total Score: Poncher 120-108

George Foreman scores the fight as follows:

Round 1: Poncher 10-9
Round 2: Poncher 10-9
Round 3: Poncher 10-9
Round 4: Poncher 10-9
Round 5: Poncher 10-9
Round 6: Poncher 10-9
Round 7: Poncher 10-9
Round 8: Poncher 10-9
Round 9: Poncher 10-9
Round 10: Poncher 10-9
Round 11: Poncher 10-9
Round 12: Poncher 10-9

Total Score: Poncher 120-108

Poncher wins by decision!