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Public Fight Report

(Middleweight) Middle Dork Boom II defeated Alan Bigfoot by technical knockout (TKO) in round 4.

Match Friday, October 8, 2021

In this corner, standing 5 feet(152 centimeters) tall weighing in at 160 pounds (73 kilograms) is Middle Dork Boom II!!

In this corner, standing 5 feet and 7 inches (170 centimeters) tall weighing in at 150 pounds (68 kilograms) is Alan Bigfoot!!

The referee for this bout will be Joe Cortez.


Middle clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Bigfoot is using the ring. (using the ring)

Bigfoot tries to attack, but Middle hangs on until the referee separates them.

+Middle lands a roundhouse to the solar plexus!!
Bigfoot tries to attack, but Middle hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Middle annoys Bigfoot with a series of shots to the chest. Bigfoot sneers "My little sister can hit harder than you!"
Middle lands a powerful blow to the temple and Bigfoot falls to the canvas!!









Bigfoot struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Middle rocks Bigfoot with a off balance right to the solar plexus.
Bigfoot tries to attack, but Middle hangs on until the referee separates them.

Bigfoot tries to attack, but Middle hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Bigfoot tags Middle with a barrage of powerful punches to the solar plexus.
Bigfoot tries to attack, but Middle hangs on until the referee separates them.
Bigfoot tries to attack, but Middle hangs on until the referee separates them.

The fighters start chatting with members of the press.

+Bigfoot grazes Middle with a barrage of glancing punches to the face.

-Bigfoot charges with a barrage of punches to the solar plexus, but Middle covers himself well.
+Middle hits with a series of blows to the chest.
Middle lands a cruel blow to the temple and Bigfoot's knees buckle -- he topples to the canvas!!









Bigfoot struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Bigfoot suprises Middle with a volley of shots to the eye. Middle shakes his head to clear it.
+Middle fires a flurry of stiff punches to the chest.


According to the commentator:

Middle Dork Boom II landed 23 of 23 punches, and Alan Bigfoot landed 6 of 32 punches.

Middle Dork Boom II won the round 10-7

Middle Dork Boom II is winning the fight 10-7

Middle grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool.

Bigfoot grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool.


Middle clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Bigfoot is using the ring. (using the ring)

+Middle clocks Bigfoot with a barrage of off balance blows to the ribs.
+Middle clocks Bigfoot with a flurry of punches to the ribs.
+Middle hits with a series of mean blows to the chest.
Middle lands a terrific punch in the nose and Bigfoot is lifted off his feet and onto his back!!







Bigfoot struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Middle shakes Bigfoot with a barrage of heavy punches to the chest.
-Bigfoot launches a flurry of left punches to the mouth, but Middle stays away from it.
Bigfoot tries to attack, but Middle hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bigfoot tries a series of punches to the face, but flails uselessly.
-Bigfoot probes with a series of punches to the solar plexus, but Middle deftly avoits it.
-Bigfoot attempts a pair of punches to the nose, but Middle stays away from it.
Bigfoot tries to attack, but Middle hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Bigfoot pops Middle with a barrage of heavy punches to the face.
Bigfoot tries to attack, but Middle hangs on until the referee separates them.

Bigfoot tries to attack, but Middle hangs on until the referee separates them.

+Middle annoys Bigfoot with a series of punches to the solar plexus.
Bigfoot tries to attack, but Middle hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Middle whacks Bigfoot with a series of nice blows to the solar plexus.
Middle lands a brutal blow to the head and Bigfoot is knocked out of the ring!!








Bigfoot struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Bigfoot solidly lands a series of punches to the eye.


According to the commentator:

Middle Dork Boom II landed 23 of 26 punches, and Alan Bigfoot landed 5 of 31 punches.

Middle Dork Boom II won the round 10-7

Middle Dork Boom II is winning the fight 20-14

Middle is slowing down.

Bigfoot collapses limply onto his stool. He has minor cut above the left eye.


Middle clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Bigfoot is using the ring. (using the ring)

-Bigfoot lashes out with a uppercut to the head, but misses.
+Middle wakes up the fans with a flurry of loud blows to the stomach.
-Bigfoot lunges with a flurry of left shots to the face, but Middle ties him up.
+Middle tattoos Bigfoot with a pair of blows to the solar plexus.
Middle lands a cruel right uppercut and Bigfoot falls to the canvas!!







Bigfoot struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
-Bigfoot attacks with a series of left punches to the nose, but he's too slow.
-Bigfoot fires a cross to the nose, but goes wide.
Bigfoot tries to attack, but Middle hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Bigfoot hits with a pair of nice punches to the head.
Bigfoot tries to attack, but Middle hangs on until the referee separates them.


Bigfoot tries to attack, but Middle hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Middle annoys Bigfoot with a solid hook to the stomach. Bigfoot sneers "Is that the best you can do?"
-Bigfoot paws a series of left punches to the jaw, but Middle hides behind his gloves.


+Middle lands a mean uppercut to the ribs. Bigfoot laughs!
The fighters start chatting with members of the press.


According to the commentator:

Middle Dork Boom II landed 24 of 24 punches, and Alan Bigfoot landed 3 of 33 punches.

Middle Dork Boom II won the round 10-8

Middle Dork Boom II is winning the fight 30-22

Middle collapses limply onto his stool.

Bigfoot can't remember which corner is his. He has serious cut above the left eye. He has a broken jaw.


Middle clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Bigfoot is using the ring. (using the ring)

+Middle pops Bigfoot with a series of solid punches to the chest. Bigfoot doesn't notice. Middle smells a knockout -- he's pounding away! Bigfoot collapses from exhaustion! The Referee stops the fight!
Middle Dork Boom II wins by a Knock Out!!

Middle can't remember which corner is his.

Bigfoot can't remember which corner is his. He has serious cut above the left eye. He has swelling above the right eye. He has a broken jaw.

Judge Guimond had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Middle Dork Boom II 10-7
Round 2: Middle Dork Boom II 10-7
Round 3: Middle Dork Boom II 10-8

Judge Leinbach had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Middle Dork Boom II 10-7
Round 2: Middle Dork Boom II 10-7
Round 3: Middle Dork Boom II 10-8

Oscar De La Hoya had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Middle Dork Boom II 10-7
Round 2: Middle Dork Boom II 10-7
Round 3: Middle Dork Boom II 10-8

Middle Dork Boom II wins by a technical knockout!