Public Fight Report
(Heavyweight) boxernumber1 defeated Chance Clubbington by technical knockout (TKO) in round 2.Match Saturday, May 15, 2021In this corner, standing 6 feet(183 centimeters) tall weighing in at 246 pounds (112 kilograms) is boxernumber1!!
In this corner, standing 6 feet and 6 inches (198 centimeters) tall weighing in at 256 pounds (116 kilograms) is Chance Clubbington!!
The referee for this bout will be Richard Steele.
Boxernumber1 clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Clubbington is using the ring. (using the ring)
-Boxernumber1 charges with a volley of shots to the stomach, but is ineffective.
Clubbington tries to attack, but Boxernumber1 hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Clubbington wakes up the fans with a volley of vicious punches to the head.
+Clubbington solidly lands a flurry of strong punches to the nose.
+Clubbington lands a pair of punches to the eye.
-Boxernumber1 probes with a volley of shots to the stomach, but misses completely.
-Boxernumber1 tries to land a series of right punches to the stomach, but is ineffective.
+Clubbington hits Boxernumber1 with a barrage of punches to the head!
Clubbington tries to attack, but Boxernumber1 hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Clubbington hammers Boxernumber1 with a loud straight right to the nose.
Clubbington tries to attack, but Boxernumber1 hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Clubbington takes charge with a flurry of punches to the head. Boxernumber1 asks for time to wipe off the blood.
-Boxernumber1 attacks with a barrage of right punches to the ribs, but misses completely.
Clubbington tries to attack, but Boxernumber1 hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Clubbington throws a quick right to the ribs. Boxernumber1 falls against the ropes!
-Boxernumber1 lunges with a series of left punches to the ribs, but Clubbington ducks.
+Clubbington pokes Boxernumber1 with a sweeping right to the head. Boxernumber1 grimaces in pain.
-Boxernumber1 tries a pair of left punches to the chest, but Clubbington beats a hasty retreat.
According to the commentator:
boxernumber1 landed 0 of 33 punches, and Chance Clubbington landed 55 of 56 punches.
Chance Clubbington won the round 10-9
Chance Clubbington is winning the fight 10-9
Boxernumber1 doesn't want to stop fighting!
Clubbington collapses limply onto his stool.
Boxernumber1 clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Clubbington is using the ring. (using the ring)
+Clubbington attacks with a series of punches to the chest.
-Clubbington tries a pair of right punches to the ribs, but falls short.
+Clubbington wakes up the fans with a pair of punches to the stomach!
+Clubbington attacks with a cross to the chest. Boxernumber1 is hurt!
+Clubbington hits with a series of furious punches to the chest. Boxernumber1 beats a hasty retreat.
+Clubbington throws a barrage of commanding blows to the stomach.
Clubbington tries to attack, but Boxernumber1 hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Boxernumber1 throws a barrage of blows to the stomach, but Clubbington covers himself well.
+Clubbington connects with a uppercut to the chest.
Clubbington tries to attack, but Boxernumber1 hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Boxernumber1 attacks with a volley of shots to the ribs!! Boxernumber1 strikes at will! Clubbington can no longer lift his arms to fight. The Referee stops the fight!
boxernumber1 wins by a Knock Out!!
Boxernumber1 doesn't even want to rest!
Clubbington can't remember which corner is his.
Judge Guimond had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: Chance Clubbington 10-9
Judge Leinbach had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: Chance Clubbington 10-9
George Foreman had the fight scored as follows:
Round 1: Chance Clubbington 10-9
boxernumber1 wins by a technical knockout!