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Public Fight Report

(Heavyweight) Zipp 007 defeated Hello Kitty by technical knockout (TKO) in round 4.

Match Saturday, January 2, 2021

In this corner, standing 5 feet and 7 inches (170 centimeters) tall weighing in at 198 pounds (90 kilograms) is Zipp 007!!

In this corner, standing 5 feet and 11 inches (180 centimeters) tall weighing in at 291 pounds (132 kilograms) is Hello Kitty!!

The referee for this bout will be Mitch Halpern.


Zipp covers up.
Kitty clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)

-Kitty attempts a uppercut to the solar plexus, but Zipp quickly backs away.
Zipp tries to attack, but Kitty hangs on until the referee separates them.
Zipp tries to attack, but Kitty hangs on until the referee separates them.
Zipp tries to attack, but Kitty hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Kitty solidly lands a flurry of stiff blows to the ribs.
+Kitty hurts Zipp with a pair of blows to the ribs. Zipp retreats to the far corner.
Zipp tries to attack, but Kitty hangs on until the referee separates them.

Zipp tries to attack, but Kitty hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Kitty attempts a flurry of left blows to the ribs, but Zipp leaps aside.


According to the commentator:

Zipp 007 landed 2 of 8 punches, and Hello Kitty landed 12 of 24 punches.

Hello Kitty won the round 10-9

Hello Kitty is winning the fight 10-9

Zipp doesn't even want to rest!

Kitty grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool.


Zipp covers up.
Kitty clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)

Zipp tries to attack, but Kitty hangs on until the referee separates them.
Zipp tries to attack, but Kitty hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Kitty fires a barrage of wild punches to the solar plexus!
-Kitty paws a series of shots to the ribs, but loses his balance.
Zipp tries to attack, but Kitty hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Kitty tries to land a uppercut to the solar plexus, but only hits air.
Zipp tries to attack, but Kitty hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Kitty stuns Zipp with a pair of stinging blows to the stomach.


According to the commentator:

Zipp 007 landed 3 of 9 punches, and Hello Kitty landed 9 of 23 punches.

Hello Kitty won the round 10-9

Hello Kitty is winning the fight 20-18

Zipp doesn't even want to rest!

Kitty looks exhausted.


Zipp covers up.
Kitty clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)

Zipp tries to attack, but Kitty hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Kitty hits with a series of nasty shots to the chest.
Zipp tries to attack, but Kitty hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Kitty attempts a barrage of shots to the stomach, but only hits air.
Zipp tries to attack, but Kitty hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Kitty tries a hook to the solar plexus, but fails to score.
-Kitty charges with a pair of left punches to the stomach, but Zipp stays away from it.
-Kitty tries a series of punches to the ribs, but Zipp steps aside and laughs.


According to the commentator:

Zipp 007 landed 3 of 8 punches, and Hello Kitty landed 8 of 31 punches.

Hello Kitty won the round 10-9

Hello Kitty is winning the fight 30-27

Zipp remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

Kitty can't remember which corner is his.


Zipp covers up.
Kitty clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)

+Zipp wakes up the fans with a barrage of punches to the nose.
Zipp tries to attack, but Kitty hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Zipp annoys Kitty with a series of furious blows to the eye. Kitty doesn't notice. Zipp is raining blows! Kitty is so messed up his own mother wouldn't know him! The Referee stops the fight!
Zipp 007 wins by a Knock Out!!

Zipp remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

Kitty can't remember which corner is his.

Judge Guimond had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Hello Kitty 10-9
Round 2: Hello Kitty 10-9
Round 3: Hello Kitty 10-9

Judge Leinbach had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Hello Kitty 10-9
Round 2: Hello Kitty 10-9
Round 3: Hello Kitty 10-9

Oscar De La Hoya had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Hello Kitty 10-9
Round 2: Hello Kitty 10-9
Round 3: Hello Kitty 10-9

Zipp 007 wins by a technical knockout!