Public Fight Report
(Heavyweight) Jonny Jones defeated Boombastic Bombastic by disqualification in round 1.Match Saturday, December 28, 2019In this corner, standing 6 feet(183 centimeters) tall weighing in at 288 pounds (131 kilograms) is Boombastic Bombastic !!
In this corner, standing 5 feet and 9 inches (175 centimeters) tall weighing in at 211 pounds (96 kilograms) is Jonny Jones!!
The referee for this bout will be Dalby Shirley.
Bombastic clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Jones fights inside. (inside)
+Jones wakes up the fans with a volley of punches to the jaw.
-Bombastic tries a volley of shots to the mouth, but Jones steps aside and laughs.
Jones tries to attack, but Bombastic hangs on until the referee separates them.
-Bombastic attacks with a barrage of blows to the nose, but misses completely.
+Bombastic nails Jones with an illegal kidney punch! Jonny Jones is writhing in pain. The referee halts the bout!
Jonny Jones wins by forfeit!!
Bombastic doesn't even want to rest! He has swelling above the right eye.
Jones doesn't even want to rest! He has cut below the left eye.
Jonny Jones wins by a foul!