Public Fight Report
(Light-Heavyweight) Methuselah Andres defeated yrieskio 5923 by technical knockout (TKO) in round 1.Match Thursday, June 02, 2016In this corner, standing 5 feet and 10 inches (178 centimeters) tall weighing in at 174 pounds (79 kilograms) is Methuselah Andres!!
In this corner, standing 9 feet and 3 inches (282 centimeters) tall weighing in at 175 pounds (79 kilograms) is yrieskio 5923!!
The referee for this bout will be Richard Steele.
Andres covers up.
Yrieskio covers up.
+Andres nails Yrieskio with a jab to the eye. Andres is raining blows! Yrieskio collapses from exhaustion! The Referee stops the fight!
Methuselah Andres wins by a Knock Out!!
Andres doesn't want to stop fighting!
Yrieskio can't remember which corner is his.
Methuselah Andres wins by a technical knockout!